A Witchy Way Of Semen Extraction, by Jezebel Rose
There was a lot of movement inside the plantation house that day. After neglecting their cleaning duties for a while, all the women that lived there agreed to clean it up and to hire a butler to take care of it from then on. They put up a few ads in the local newspaper and on social media, and they waited until the day came. A coven couldn’t have a dirty base of operations, after all.
“When are the candidates coming in?” asked Zoe, the leader.
“About that…”
Luna hesitated to answer because she didn’t want to anger the leader. She was in charge of getting the candidates lined up, but only one man called in. To that day, not many men wanted to take care of house chores.
“What happened?”
“There’s only one coming in.”
“Huh, is that so? Let’s hope he’s a good fit.”
Zoe walked away to take care of other matters, and Luna sighed in relief. “She must be too busy to get annoyed,” she thought. Luna looked at the clock on the wall; it was almost time for the man to come in.
She set herself up in the living room and waited. The doorbell rang right on time. The young witch went to open the door.
“Hello, am I at the right place?” asked the man.
“Are you coming for the butler position?”
“Yes. I’m Will.”
“Come in.”
Will was a young man in his early twenties. He was tall and thin but with an athletic build. He had short brown hair and dark brown eyes, and his skin was honey-colored.
The interior of the house was as impressive and spacious as the outside implied—pristine white walls with art hanging. The style was a little old-fashioned, but he liked it. The young girl guided him to the dining room. They sat down at the table across from each other.
Lune went through the standard questions, and Will passed with flying colors. It’s not like a butler positioned required much training other than being skilled with his hands.
“Would you consider yourself open-minded?”
The question took Will by surprise, especially since it felt like the interview was getting close to the end.
“I suppose.”
“Is it a yes or a no? It’s kind of important here.”
“Uhm, yes.”
Luna scribbled some notes on her clipboard. In reality, she was dragging her pen around, there were no notes to be taken, but she wanted to make it look like she had more people to consider and that this was a professional-looking interview.
“Okay, I need to tell you something.”
“Go ahead.”
“We’re witches.”
Will rolled his eyes. He needed a job, but his luck was in the gutter lately. If it wasn’t a scam, it was a pyramid scheme, or in this case, a crazy girl. Luna noticed his reaction.
“I’m serious. Would you like me to demonstrate?”
“Please. Go ahead.”
The girl stood up and went to the next room to search for something in a cabinet. She came back with a small crystal flask with a blue liquid inside of it. She triumphantly put it on the table, like that was proof enough.
“That’s a pretty flask.”
“Thank you. Let me call Momo so you can see the effects of the contents.”
“A friend of yours.”
“No, Momo is our cat.”
Luna called for the cat, and he strolled into the dining room with a yawn.
“Come here, boy,” she said, patting her thigh.
The black cat jumped on her leg and purred. Luna grabbed the flask and poured the contents into the cat’s mouth, who happily drank it. Will was done; he was about to walk out the door and call animal services when a couple of wings came out from the cat’s back. He looked at them for a second and then flew out of a window onto the backyard.
Will’s jaw almost hit the floor, figuratively. Luna giggled.
“See, I told you that you needed to have an open mind.”
Please purchase this story and support me as an author! Thank you! ~ Jezebel Rose
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