Brother Sister Make Love, by Jezebel Rose
Us members of the graduating class, as well as members of the Virgins Club, were awed at my friend Bob’s revelation that he knew of a surefire way to smell a woman. He boasted that he could smell a pussy anytime he wanted, and it was so easy that even his kid brother could do it. Only it was a secret handed down through the generations, and his father had revealed it to him on his eighteenth birthday so that he could not share it with any of us.
We all knew it to be bullshit, but I sensed from the sly smile on the edges of his mouth that maybe, just maybe, there was some truth to his claim. I was determined to get it out of him, so I begged him, bribed him, bought him burgers at his favorite joint, even helped him mow his father’s lawn, but he wouldn’t tell me his secret. In the end, it was a six-pack I stole from my mother’s collection that made him crack.
I marveled at the simplicity and beauty of his plan. It was not a family secret, it was something he had discovered on his own, and probably a lot of others had found something similar. Only I had not and knowing how easy it was, I decided to smell pussy for myself finally. He told me that timing is everything, and I must wait for the right moment. Otherwise, I may not get the full effect. Following his advice, I then paused for the right moment to arrive.
It arrived on a Thursday evening. Thursday is usually the day my sister goes to the gym and comes home around dinnertime. I knew her routine somewhat, and I was pissed at myself for not discovering this secret on my own. She usually comes through the garage, takes off her damp exercise clothes, including her underwear, and dumps them in the laundry basket. She then wraps herself in the towel she takes to the gym and proceeds to take a long, hot shower. My mother usually is in the kitchen washing dishes or cleaning up or something else, so she is also pretty occupied at that time. This leaves about a half-hour full window of opportunity for me to, yes you guessed it, smell the scent of a woman.
As soon as my sister disappeared in the shower and I heard the water running, I made my way to the garage and the laundry basket. To my delight, her panties were sitting right on top of the heap. My hands were shaking, and I was trembling with excitement as I picked up the damp item, held it in both of my hands, and buried my nose approximately where her womanhood must have touched.
The smell was a bit foul. I was disgusted and turned on at the same time. I figured her sweat must have soaked in with her womanly liquids and probably overpowered what I heard was supposed to be musky smell—not that I knew what musky scent is like. Her body odor was a bit overpowering, but I should have expected that since she wore it while she exercised. I inhaled genuinely trying to clearly distinguish between the two kinds of scent I was supposed to find in that material. I inhaled repeatedly, trying to hold the smelly air in my lungs as long as possible like a person smoking weed. Soon I was hyperventilating.
Then came the voice that I had feared so much. I heard my mother scream: “What the fuck are you doing?”
I froze in my tracks. For a second I thought she had noticed the missing six-pack, and then the realization came. I stood there with my sister’s panties pressed into my face as my mother swore me left and right. Then she came after me with the broom she was using to clean the mess in the kitchen. That is when I decided to flee.
I was faster than she was so I made it to my room and locked it from inside before she could charge after me. She banged on it loudly and told me to come outside so she could beat the hell out of me. I sat on my bed and waited for the storm to wither away.
I heard my sister come out of the bathroom and ask my mother what the commotion was about. I listened to my mother’s muffled voice as she relayed the story to her. I heard my sister yelling at my mother for overreacting. I listened to my mother screaming back at her for being too liberal. I listened to my sister telling my mother that I was a teenager and all teenagers do things like this. So on and so on.
I was in a state of panic. My mother soon gave up and left and my sister went to her room. Shortly after that, I heard banging on my door, and my sister yelled: “Open this door immediately!”
“No,” I yelled back.
“Open this door, right now. She is gone. I want to talk to you.”
I was embarrassed tremendously. I did not want to face my sister after being caught red-handed with my face in her panties. What must she be thinking?
“Come on K.D., open this door,” she said in a bit gentler voice.
I reluctantly went to the door and opened it. I stood in front of her with my eyes staring at her feet. I noticed that she had nice looking feet, which incidentally were attached to some nice looking legs. I realized that she was wrapped in her towel as water dripped down from her wet hair.
She thrust her hand at me, “Here!”
She was holding another one of her panties and was motioning for me to take them. I instinctively followed her command and took them.
“Enjoy!” She said then turned around and went to her room.
I stood there dumbfounded. My sister was not angry with me. Instead, she was giving me a tacit approval for my actions. She was okay with it. Man, did I have a great sister!
I jumped with joy as I locked my door again and then jumped on to my bed with the panties firmly pressed against my nose.
To my disappointment, all I smelt were the washing powder and the softener from the machine. Her panties were clean, too clean to do anything for me.
I was disappointed but enthralled at the same time. I did have material in my hand that had the privilege of being next to a woman’s pussy, even though the woman, in this case, was my sister. However, it was pussy nevertheless, also though it was my sister’s pussy. I felt my cock stir as I ran my finger on the outside front of the garment. I imagined where her pussy lips must have been and caressed them with my fingers. I then ran my tongue on them as if I was licking one. I even held them against my hard cock trying to dry fuck the panties and ultimately imagined myself rubbing against my sister’s cunt with my cock firmly pressed into her, well, pussy.
Please purchase this story and support me as an author! Thank you! ~ Jezebel Rose
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