Doctor Patient, by Jezebel Rose
“Amy, I’ve been seeing him for years! I don’t see why you are making this such a big deal!”
Mother’s words echoed up the stairs as I looked into the mirror touching up my eye shadow. “I know, I know, but I just can’t help but feel a bit awkward seeing your doctor.”
“Trust me. Just trust me on this, alright?”
I blocked her out of my mind as I jogged down the stairs and out the front door.
You know, it wouldn’t be all that bad if this doctor wasn’t cute. But he was. He was the kind of guy all the girls batted their eyes at when they walked by. I’m normally not that kind of girl. I do have a great boyfriend whom I’ve been seeing for many years, but honestly… this doctor was a still a possibility. I couldn’t just write him off so easily. Perhaps just a bit of flirting would be alright. I mean, who’s to know?
I pulled my car up to the front of his office. The large sign in the front read boldly, “Dr. Madison.”
My heart skipped a beat.
Soon I would be undressing in front of him while he examined my body. It’s enough to make a girl pass out!
Mustering up as much courage as I could, I stepped out of my beat up Jeep and walked up the concrete stairs to the front door.
I glanced in the pane of glass and fluffed my dark brown curls.
Taking a deep breath, I stepped inside.
Before I could even speak one word, I saw him standing there by the front desk talking with the receptionist. He was smiling with his pearly whites right at the woman. Apparently it was more than just “talking.” As if I cared…
He turned and looked as the door slammed behind me. I jumped and nearly fell over as I felt my face flush. My eyes couldn’t help but notice his perfectly trimmed dark wavy hair and his five o’ clock shadow.
“Sorry about that. I told maintenance to get that door fixed,” he said firmly as he looked back at his prey.
I smiled and walked up to the receptionist. “Grey – Amy Grey to see Dr. Madison.”
She turned at looked up at me, appearing slightly annoyed, “Yes… of course. Your mother said you would be in for your appointment today.”
My face flushed again. How much worse could today get?
Madison started walking down the hallway towards the examination rooms. He turned and looked over his shoulder. I could feel his eyes looking me up and down as his the corner of his lips curled upwards. He gave me the slightest nod, ever so faint I almost missed it, then disappeared around the corner.
“Any specific reason for coming in today?”
I looked back at the receptionist, “Oh, sorry. Umm. I have pain in my… girl parts.”
“Well, it appears as if it’s your first time here. If you could fill out this form for me, that would be great. Then we’ll get you right in to see Madison. Fortunately you are his last patent for the day, so you’ll be able to have an extended examination time if something comes up.”
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