Fucking a Dog for Money, by Jezebel Rose
I had to come up with $5,000 by the end of the week, or I would lose my house. I was desperate. My credit was no good, and no one in my family had that kind of money.
My friend Anna was a single mom who had become a topless dancer to support herself and her kids. She always said the money was right. I went to see her and asked her to loan me the money. She told me she did not have it.
I asked her if she knew any way I could earn $5,000 in a week. I told her that I was so desperate that I would do anything. She knew what I meant.
She told me that she sometimes worked for an escort service, but that there was no way I could earn that much in a week. I told her then that the only option I had left was trying to rob a bank. At that point, she said that maybe there was a way, but that I probably would not want to do it. I told her I would do absolutely anything – and I meant it.
She said that a friend of hers had made $5,000 for one night’s work. I could not believe it – it sounded too good to be true. She said that there was a kinky rich person who had a standing offer of $5,000 for any woman from the escort service who would perform with his dog.
I said, “Perform what?”
Anna looked at me as I was retarded.
“Fuck his dog!” she said, “Or to be precise, let the dog fuck you and let the guy watch and film it for his collection.”
I was dumbstruck. I had read about women having fantasies about animals I but never thought that anyone would actually do it.
Seeing the look on my face, Anna quickly said, “I knew you wouldn’t consider doing it.”
“No,” I said, “You’re wrong. I am considering it.”
After a moment, I asked, “How bad was it? What did your friend tell you about it?”
“Oh hell,” she blurted out, “it wasn’t a friend; it was me. I was desperate just like you are now and I did it. Many girls at the service have. It wasn’t so bad – better than having some sweaty 300-pound slob with bad breath laying on top of you.”
“But a dog,” I said, “is that sanitary?”
At this remark, she looked hurt. “Of course it is. As I said, the person is a millionaire. That dog is his star performer. He’s groomed every day, and he’s cleaner down there than most guys.”
“I don’t know if I could go through with it,” I said.
“Well,” she said, “some girl chickened out at the last minute, and the only thing that happened was that he didn’t give her the money. Most girls go through with it though. It is a lot of money for an hour’s work. And anyway, it’s not all that bad, really!”
This last remark sounded strange to me, and my expression must have shown what I was thinking. Anna said, “Hey it doesn’t sound any weirder than when you were twelve and heard about a girl putting some boy’s cock in her mouth. Then once you actually did it yourself, you could see why some people like it.”
Almost as if a last comment of hers had triggered a memory, she added, “He’s got a massive cock.”
“Well, if it was so good why did you only do it once?” I asked sarcastically.
“Because that’s all he’ll pay for. Once he gets you to fuck the dog and videotape him moves on to another girl.”
I thought about all she had said. “I think maybe I could do it, but not if he films it. I don’t want to end up in a stag movie.”
“No need to worry about that. As I said this person is rich. He does not need to sell anything. He is a collector – strictly private – and he’s not about to give it away. It’s his kink, I think he sits around that big mansion of his and jacks-off to the films.”
I told her I would think about it and she gave me his number. She said that if I needed the money fast, I should call right away because there was no guarantee he would even be in town. This panicked me when I thought of the foreclosure deadline. I decided I better give him a call right then.
Anna saw how nervous I was and told me to go home and that she would call and arrange for me.
The next morning she called me and said that everything was set for that night.
“So soon?” I said nervously.
“Yeah, he says he’s going on a trip and either its tonight or else not for two weeks.”
I asked Anna if she would go with me. She said she would but that she did not think he would let her be with me when I performed.
When I asked her how I should dress, she said, “Nothing fancy just a skirt and a blouse. He will want you naked so just do your hair and makeup – and oh, yeah, wear high heels.
“You mean the guy gets turned on by high heels?” I asked.
“No,” Anna said sarcastically, “The dog does.”
I decided to wear a long blonde wig over my short black hair, just to disguise my identity.
That night on the drive there, I asked Anna for more details of what I would have to do.
“He’ll want you to come in, strip off your clothes, let the dog smell you, then let the dog lick you.”
“Eeew,” I said.
“No,” she said, “that’s one of the best parts. His tongue is big and smooth.
The tongue action was the best I’ve ever had, and that’s saying something.”
I looked at her flabbergasted. “So how was the fucking?” I said, trying to shock her with my flippancy.
“You’ll see soon enough,” she replied, unfazed. “It wasn’t the absolute best I’ve ever had, but it certainly wasn’t the worst either. That hound can screw – what he lacks in technique he makes up for in size and enthusiasm.”
Now that I was committed to performing the same perverted act that she had done, Anna was more willing to go into detail.
“He had me moaning and groaning,” She said, “and believe me; I wasn’t just putting on a show for the camera.”
When we arrived at the mansion, we entered through a guarded gate. After we parked in the circular, drive an attractive middle-aged woman, who introduced herself as Hannah met us at the door. She told Anna to make herself comfortable in the den and led me off to a large room that was empty except for a chair, a mattress on the floor, and several video cameras on tripods all pointing at the bed from different angles.
I was starting to have second thoughts, but I reminded myself of why I had to do this – that it was for my kids and their future. I told myself that it would be over soon and then I would put it completely out of my mind. Afterward, I would say to myself it had not happened, or else treat it as a lark, like Anna.
Hannah interrupted my reverie by telling me to take my clothes off. She had a slight accent, maybe east European. After I was naked, she looked me up and down.
“Leave the heels on,” she said. “And take that ridiculous wig off. It won’t stay on anyway.” I was too nervous and intimidated to protest. I did as I was told.
“Have you ever fucked a dog before?” she inquired.
“Of course not!” I answered. She gave me an unfriendly look, and I realized that she probably had done it herself.
Please purchase this story and support me as an author! Thank you! ~ Jezebel Rose
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