Erotica Author Quickstart Guide, by Jezebel Rose
Story length
Popular story kinks
What content goes “Too Far”
Cover design, stock photography/AI illustration
Distribution and where to publish
How to Publish Erotica
Getting commissioned erotica
Where to promote and list your stories
Page after page of sales graphs, erotica kink categories, data, and so so so much more.
…and all the little tips and tricks to get going! Not everyone makes it, but by utilizing some of the strategies, you will absolutely have a higher chance.
I will save you at least ten hours. If you make minimum wage, that’s $72.50 you save, at LEAST. This guide will save you hundreds, if not thousands, of hours.
In one instance, I help you understand that your reader target is men. Imagine the amount of hours you would have put in to figure that out!
First, get started by clicking this link >>>
Once you fill out your tax information, you can start by reading this quick guide while it is processed!
Now Includes a Bestselling Example Story!
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I am currently critiquing covers and stories. Join now! Here’s an invite link:
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