Judgement Day, by Jezebel Rose
Chapter One
The earth shook beneath my feet as I watched my house crumble to the ground in a massive cloud of smoke.
Shielding my eyes from the glare of the sun, I felt the air twinge with electricity. The hair on my arms stood on end as an intense force crackled with power in seemingly all directions.
Staring into what was left of my home, a large portal opened. It started small, only a couple feet off the ground, but within seconds it had engulfed several yards.
Demons began pouring out of the portal. Most had massive wings on their back that spread wide as they flew by me, completely ignoring my presence.
I stumbled backwards and grabbed onto my mailbox as the creatures continued spewing from the portal. One demon locked his pitch black eyes on me.
A viscerally intense chill ran down my spine as he stepped out of the portal. My eyes couldn’t help but notice his thick cock dangling between his legs. Have they no decency? No. They are demons.
The air around me continued to crackle as I watched a dark storm begin to roll in above me. Perfect. This day couldn’t go any worse.
You see, just yesterday I was going to Church to raise funds for a youth rally. I was going about my perfectly normal and somewhat average life. My heart was set on going out with friends but knowing my parents, I had to get the churchy stuff done first. Go figure it was all for nothing when I woke up in the morning and everyone was gone. Clothes, bodies, everything. Gone. There was nobody left. My best guess is that I was left behind during the rapture, and now I’m stuck with these demons. Fuck my life.
The creature stared at me as he stepped out of the portal and flexed his large red muscles. Other demons continued to pour out of the portal as his thick legs propelled the creature towards me.
My feet couldn’t move as I stood there paralyzed in fear. I watched as he came closer and closer, his thick shaft between his legs growing longer and tighter with one step. I knew what he wanted, even though my mind battled back and forth in hopes of it not being true. It wanted to fuck me.
Fuck. Me. Jesus – what am I thinking?! The apocalypse happened and I’m stuck here in the midst of hordes of demons bent on ruling the Earth and there’s nothing I can do about it.
The creature was now directly in front of me. Whiffs of brimstone and fire from the portal reached my nose as the heat began to tinge my skin.
“H… Hi…?” I managed to whisper as the monstrosity of a demon towered in front of me.
His mouth stretched into a grin and revealed his dark teeth.
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