Kinky Virgin Daughter Ageplay, by Jezebel Rose
18 Year Old Daughter Playing and Pretending; Ageplaying with her older Father
Sarah was awake. It was nearly three in the morning. No matter how hard she tried, she could not fall asleep. Sighing, she decided to watch a cartoon. Sarah crept into her father’s bedroom and pulled his laptop from under the bed. She snuck back into her bedroom and opened it. A password screen came up.
“Uhoh,” Sarah said as she sat on her bed. She typed her name into the password field. The desktop came up. Excited, she clicked on the internet button. She started to type a cartoon into the search field, but instead, several images of girls that looked just like her came up on the screen. None of them had clothes on.
Sarah played with her long blonde hair. She bit her lower lip.
She did not recognize any of the girls. All of them had blonde hair. Some had curls, some had long straight hair, but all were blonde, and had big blue eyes. Sarah also noticed they each had large breasts, all at least a DD, E or F. They were all about the same size as her own tits. Gently cupping her breasts in her hands, she felt each as she stared at the screen.
A single question filled her young mind. Was daddy hiding a secret from her?
Sarah clicked on the search button again. She started to type in the cartoon, but more girls showed up on the screen. They all were very beautiful, but they looked like her. Each of the girls even had the same fluffy body she did. Confused, and tired, Sarah started to close the laptop.
On the bottom, left part of the screen there was a folder labeled, ‘games.’
Sarah quickly clicked on the button. Her daddy never let her play games on the family desktop computer. A folder filled with hundreds of pictures of girls opened. Sarah scrolled down through the pictures. Some of the girls were spreading their legs, showing their bare virgin cunts off. Many were girls bending over and spreading their buttcheeks. She suddenly started to sweat. All these girls looked like her for a reason.
“That’s bad,” Sarah said. Scared her father might catch her; she closed the laptop and quickly rushed it back to her parent’s bedroom. She set the laptop back where she found it, then went to bed. Within minutes, she was asleep.
“Sarah,” Daddy said to his daughter. He looked down at her small body just beneath the cartoon comforter that laid on the bed. His daughter had just turned 18 and legal that very same morning. He felt his cock grow under his bathrobe as Sarah rolled over and opened her eyes.
“Good morning, Daddy!”
Daddy laughed, wrapping his arms around his little girl. “I love you so much. Happy birthday.”
“Daddy,” Sarah said, looking down at her skimpy nightgown. The gown was the one that her father had given her for Christmas just this past year. It fit her body almost perfectly. Her large EE breasts spilled over the top while she was sleeping, revealing her breasts and nipples.
Daddy smiled at his daughter, reaching over to put tuck them back under the gown.
“That’s weird,” giggled, pushing her breasts together for a moment, and then quickly putting them under her nighty. She gave her daddy a timid smile while blushing.
“Oh! Goodness! No,” Daddy exclaimed, “I wasn’t going to touch your little breasts. I was going to…”
Sarah watched her father’s face turn bright red. “You were going to touch them! Daddy!”
Daddy sat on the side of the bed. He looked over at his daughter, “I wasn’t. Promise. Now, your Daddy wouldn’t be a liar, would he?”
“I guess not,” Sarah said, wrapping her arms around her father. She purposefully bushed her massive tits against him. Every morning she pushed her breasts on his large beer gut and it made his cock rock hard. She loved feeling it pressing against her soft skin. “I love you so much, Daddy.”
Daddy looked at his daughter. “I love you too, sweetie. Now, it’s time to get up and get ready for school.”
“But, Dad! It is my birthday! I don’t want to go to school,” Sarah whined. Tears filled her eyes. She knew she always got her way when she cried.
“Hey there,” Daddy said softly, picking his daughter up and putting her on his knee. “Stop the tears. You can skip school today. But, just this one day. I need you to grow up to be a smart lady like your sister!”
Sarah bounced on her father’s thick legs in excitement, clapping her hands together and cheering. “Yay! Go, Daddy!” She beamed with delight as she noticed her father’s eyes focused on her large breasts. She bit her lip as she felt his dick press up against her thigh.
“What do you want to do today?” Daddy asked his daughter, holding her still.
Sarah squeezed her eyes shut and balled her little fists. “I want to go to the pool and swim! Then I want ice cream!”
Please purchase this story and support me as an author! Thank you! ~ Jezebel Rose
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