Mother Son Incest | A Forbidden Birth | Conception Pregnancy Birth, by Jezebel Rose
Chapter 1
Lily Jackson was in the kitchen when her son, Thomas, arrived home from school. She smiled as he walked into the room and leaned over to kiss her on the cheek. Then he kissed her on the neck, and she could feel a little chill run down her spine. She giggled and said, “You know that gives me goosebumps,” she said with a smile.
“Yes and they are lovely goosebumps too,” Thomas joked as he rubbed his hands up and down her bare arms, feeling the bumps on her skin.
They shared that joke almost every day. However, Lily loved the affection her son showed her. Friendship was something she sorely needed lately, having separated from her second husband several months earlier. The divorce had been painful for her because she was an affectionate person and needed the closeness of a man. Sometimes she thought she might be a nymphomaniac. Before she threw out her second husband, Roland, they had sex almost every day, but now she had to use her battery-operated vibrator … not a good substitution for the real thing.
“What’s for dinner?” Thomas asked.
“I have a roast in the oven, so go wash up. Dinner will be ready in a few minutes.”
“Great,” Thomas said as he kissed his mother’s neck again and then hurried away before she could swat him.
Lily sighed as she watched her son leave the kitchen. He was such a good boy and never caused her any trouble, even when all his friends were drinking and staying out late, he would be home on time. He was very attentive to her, especially now that she was separated.
Thomas had warned her about Roland. He said he was a gold digger and only wanted her money. Unfortunately, she refused to believe that. Roland had told her that he had his own money and in fact, seemed to be rather wealthy. He knew all the right people, including the Mayor, and drove a very expensive Mercedes Benz’s. Now she knew that that was all a cover. She knew the truth; he was but a fraud artist that preyed on lonely women.
She chastised herself over and over for letting her sexual drive overcome her common sense. Roland was undoubtedly right in bed, but then, being a gigolo, he had to be. It was quite a shock when she found out, from some friends, that Roland had been seen with several women. When she confronted him, he denied it, but one of her friends had provided photos, for which he had no explanation. She had forced him to move out of her house that day.
“Earth to Mom,” Thomas said as he sat down at the kitchen table.
“I’m sorry, what did you say?” she asked.
“I said, what is the big surprise you have for me?”
“Oh yes, Jason Hensley offered to allow us to use his place on Marcus Island for as long as we want.” Jason had been a friend of Roland’s, but unlike Roland seemed to be a sincere person and had shown compassion when Lily told him she and Roland had separated.
“Really, where is Marcus Island?” Thomas asked.
“It is a small, and according to Jason Hensley, a very exclusive and exotic island, somewhere off the coast of France, in the Mediterranean. I thought we could go during spring break … that is if you want to go on spring break with your old mother.”
Thomas smiled. “First of all you are not old, and secondly, I would rather go on spring break with you than anyone I know.”
Lily blushed. “Thank you,” she said somewhat shyly. Thomas was so sweet, and she wondered why he did not have a steady girlfriend. He was an incredibly handsome boy with a great smile and blue eyes. She knew he was shy and seemed younger than his twenty years, which probably made it difficult for him to connect with college girls. She worried about his lack of girlfriends.
Please purchase this story and support me as an author! Thank you! ~ Jezebel Rose
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