Raped by Burglars, by Jezebel Rose
The largest of the four men stared directly at me. He must have been their leader. My eyes locked with his as I felt sweat trickle down my back underneath my white nightgown.
It was dark. Go figure I forgot to flip on the light switch before I came down the stairs. Staring at the multiple men shot waves of distress through my body and fear shooting up my spine.
My eyes darted around the basement as the men closed in around me and the solemn dripping from the leaky faucet filled my ears. I was doomed.
“Please… what do you want?” I managed to whisper as my eyes gazed at the floor. I couldn’t make eye contact again. They were just too intimidating, and I was always the quiet shy one in the group. No way could I stand up to these men.
A grin spread across the man’s face as he stepped into the ray of light coming from the stairwell. “Your valuables, of course. Why else would we be here?”
I quickly looked back down at my feet and nodded.
“Tell me woman. Where do you keep your money? Silver? Jewelry?”
His thick and heavily accented voice rung in my ears as the other men began sifting through the boxes that laid around on the floor.
Stuttering with fear, I managed to barely speak, “I…I don’t…have any?”
The man’s head threw back into a loud laughter that echoed in the basement, “That I doubt. Every woman has something that is precious.”
I felt my knees begin to buckle as I stood there quickly becoming more and more nauseous by the second.
Reaching out quickly, the man caught me as I began to fall. His touch was firm and his skin rough. I felt his fingers grab onto my shoulder and hold me steady as my lip began to quiver.
“Tell me where your valuables are or we will take what we like.”
I nodded and fell to the floor as he let go.
Oh god… I don’t know what to do. Maybe if I get to the phone upstairs I can call 911 and get help. I certainly don’t have any valuables other than my deceased mother’s jewelry upstairs.
A few men dispersed throughout the basement, while the rest went up the stairs to the rest of my house.
Minutes later, they returned back down to the biggest guy. He must have been the boss of the crew.
“Look what we found,” the man that came down the stairs said.
The boss looked at what the man had handed him. “Nice… that will fetch a pretty penny. Let’s get out of here before this bitch has a panic attack and does something stupid.”
They each looked at me. I could tell they were being men. They wanted more.
I stared up at the boss as my hands trembled, “What are you taking?” I managed to speak out, fearful of his answer.
He crouched down beside me and brought his face back into the light. Oddly enough, he was handsome. Certainly an attractive guy despite the career he had chosen for himself.
“This,” he whispered as he held up my mother’s pearl necklace.
It was the last thing she had given me before she passed away, and it wasn’t even real, but it had sentimental value to me.
“Please… take anything but that. Please. It’s not even real. I’ll do anything…” I whimpered softly to the boss.
His breath smelled of liquor and cigarettes, but oddly enough, I would still do anything for that necklace. Even if it meant the men having their way with me. They were men, and all men want the same thing – sex.
I looked up at the men and caught their attention by pulling out my breast from my nightgown. “I have ways of making your night go better than planned…”
Quickly putting my breast away, I held out my hand. “I only want my necklace back. You can use me, but I want that back.”
The men glanced at each other, and then crossed their hands over their chests. “Hmmm…”
I stared at the leader as he spoke, “Why don’t you put on a little show for us. Get us in the mood. Then we’ll decide.”
Nodding fervently, I stood up and flicked on a dim light that sat on one of the boxes.
I can’t believe I’m doing this, but at least they won’t be taking the most valuable thing from me. Without that necklace, I don’t think I would be able to make it.
My body began to move between the different men as I attempted to shake my nightgown, breasts, and ass for them. They were men and they were easy.
I could easily see their pants bulging as they stared at my body moving in and out of the rays of light from the stairs and moon. My hands weaved through their legs and slightly rubbed on their shafts as they stood there unmoving.
The boss was obviously turned on. His hand went down his pants and moved about as I made my way towards him. He was the one I had to convince.
Alright Jezebel. You got this. Just do your thing and make this happen, then forget all about tonight. It will all the worth it in the end. You’ll never have to think about this again.
My hand slipped down the boss’s pants as he stood there, stroking himself. Fingers wrapped around his thick shaft, I tugged. Jesus…am I honestly being turned on by this? I know it’s been ages since I’ve been with a man, but fuck. Burglars?
His cock was large. Certainly larger than any man I’ve been with. Even without seeing him, I could tell it was big. It was one of those cocks that was large before it even got hard.
I stared into his deep blue eyes as I felt his rough hands wrap around my head.
Pulling back for a mere moment, I whispered, “So… what do you think?”
He smirked and firmly replied, “You’ll do. Remember this moment, for the rest of the night… your body is ours.”
I nodded as I felt the fear return to my spine. What have I gotten myself into.
Please purchase this story and support me as an author! Thank you! ~ Jezebel Rose
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