Ravaged by Something Otherworldly, by Jezebel Rose
To say she was upset would be an understatement. She was in fact annoyed, frustrated, disgusted and mad as hell. And it was entirely all her boyfriend Brian’s fault. Technically now her ex-boyfriend, for better or worse. Definitely for the better she decides with an affirmative nod as she pace the floor of her hotel room.
How the hell did she get here? She wondered for the third time that night, tears of frustration yet again trailing down her cheeks. She’d booked a hotel in one of the most romantic cities in the world hoping to spice up her failing relationship and what happened. It ended her relationship, that’s what happened. She should have known when Brian asked that she get connecting rooms rather than share one, but he claimed he needed his own space. The jackass.
Three years. Three years down the drain just like that. The ironic thing was, she wasn’t even upset that the relationship had ended, she was upset at the how. The relationship had been failing for months, she had been expecting this, and this vacation was the make it or break it decision. Thinking back on the days’ events only made her want to cry but she couldn’t help running it through in her head again, trying to think if there had been any signs of this imminent break up.
She had arrived at the hotel in the morning and had spent a brief time unpacking for the expected long weekend. Then she and Brian had gone to an art gallery, after which she went for a walk through the park and fed the ducks. Upon returning to the hotel, she had a mouthwatering meal in the hotel’s restaurant and enjoyed a pleasant conversation. Brian had invited she back into his hotel room afterwards and with her mind and body prepared to finally break the dry spell of no sex in months, she had gladly accepted.
She’d gone down on the jackass, gone to town and put in her best effort. He’d gotten off and that’s when it all went wrong. She’d been expecting him to reciprocate but no, claimed he was too tired and she lost her rag, justifiably so. Then he got mean, saying he wasn’t attracted to her anymore, she’d put on weight and he wasn’t ‘into it’. Then he’d gone on to say that it would be for the best if the relationship ended now rather than later. Prick. Sure she’d put on a few pounds in the last year, but she was loving her new curvy figure.
Please purchase this story and support me as an author! Thank you! ~ Jezebel Rose
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