Sadism Island, by Jezebel Rose
Sadism Island
Langley, VA
January 21, 1952
Central Intelligence Headquarters
“Our brightest minds have been working on this project for weeks now and we are still no closer to finishing it than when we started. We have a baseline prototype, but we haven’t succeeded in making actual mind control possible. I fear this project is doomed, unless…” The head of Project MK-Ultra, Sidney Gottlieb, paused in his musings.
The board room the men sat in grew quiet as the man paused in his ramblings. The director of the C.I.A., Allen Dulles, looked over at him, placing his fingers together with his elbows on the large conference table. “Listen, this board does not have time to wait for your musings Sidney. In case you forgot, we currently have troops in Korea in a war. While they may be in a stalemate with negotiations for peace, that may not hold unless a treaty is signed. We need to take action!“ His fist slammed down onto the table, shaking it. “The whole point of this project was to subjugate them without firing a single bullet. If we can control their soldiers, their politicians will have to give in and sign a treaty. If you have something to say, spit it out. We all have more important things to be focusing on.”
Sidney placed his left elbow on the table, turning in his chair to fully face Allen. He took a deep breath before he spoke again. “Quite frankly, I think it is time that we consult with someone outside of the agency. What do you know about Howard Stanley?”
Leaning back in his chair, Allen took a deep breath. “Well, the man is quite frankly one of the most brilliant minds that have ever had the pleasure of knowing. He’s supplied our military with complex grade electrical equipment that we used during World War II. His radio equipment proved very useful during World War II and I can’t think of any other man in this god given nation that I would consider to be more American than him.”
“Yes, he is quite the brilliant scientist and engineer. He might even be better than myself in certain regards. Though, I don’t know if we can handle such a wild card. His particular interests in women have gotten him into more trouble than I would care to admit. It is only because of his significant interests in the military that we have been able to keep him out of the limelight of Joseph McCarthy. If any number of this scandals even reached Joseph, that spell the end of this project or even expose all of us if we enlist him into the program.” Sidney placed his fingers together, sliding closer to the desk.
“Damn it, Sidney!” Allen slammed his fist onto the table. “Why did you even bring up the man if you think he is a liability?” Allen grabbed the folder in front of him and flipped it open. “I’m starting to think that this while thing is a lost cause. We could go back to our original plan which was to use a chemical agent to blanket the enemy and make them more susceptible. Your test runs of your.” Allen paused in his tirade as he searched for the name. His finger scanned down the page until he found the word. “Lysergic acid diethylamide seemed to be promising. The only thing is that it works on contact even with skin. We can’t have our soldiers anywhere near where we drop the stuff or they will be just as useless.”
Sidney scooted his chair out from the table and rose to his feet. His hands placed behind his back as he paced around the room. His eyes staring at the various chalk boards that were in the room with equations on them. “I know. I have been working on a counter agent, but I have been unsuccessful in making something that will negate the affects on our troops. This might be our last chance to make this kind of project work. You know that the elections are going to take place. A new president may not be as forgiving of our failings and cancel this project all together. Give me one chance to make this work. I will fly out to meet with Howard. Making him a proposal to work on a government project with top secret access. He is patriot. I know that he will take it on and give it everything that he has Allen.”
Allen let out an exasperated sigh. He knew that Sidney was right about this. There was no way to get around it. This would be the last opportunity they had to make Project MK Ultra work and Howard Stanley was their wild card. Either he could pull it off and they would go down in the history books as famous or it would be listed as a failed experiment by the Central Intelligence Agency.
Allen grasped the edge of the folder and closed it with his hand pressed on top of the cover. It has the words Top Secret stamped in red on the cover. Pushing it over toward Sidney, he rose to his feet. “Alright. This will be your one shot Sidney. Go talk to Howard. Give him anything that he asks for. I don’t care the cost. I want a working prototype of this mind control device before the end of the year. And I want proof that it works. No beating around the bush on this one. It is both of our asses on the line if we don’t show something for our efforts.”
Sidney grabbed the folder from the desk and tucked it into a briefcase. He closed the lid on the case and latched it and turned the briefcase onto its side with the handle up so he could pick it up.
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