The Python’s Mate, by Jezebel Rose
“Katie, I need you to head out early today.”
The voice awoke Katie from her dreams of graduating from college just over a year ago. Since then, she had been sent to the Everglades to research the local wildlife, and the impact snakes have had on it in the past and present times. Despite not getting nearly enough sleep, Katie rolled over and yawned, knowing full well that the day would be long and tiresome. It was not that she did not enjoy being around the wildlife; she did not find it exciting as she had hoped. The only thing that kept her pushing for her Ph.D. in Biology was the snakes in the environment. Ever since she was young, she had a passion for the long smooth creatures.
“Alright, alright, I’m getting up,” Katie said, wrapping up her curly brown hair into a bun and putting a ‘Local Preserve’ hat on top. Wiping the sleep from her eyes, she watched her assistant, Josh; bring her a hot cup of coffee along with a strudel.
“Good. Here is the thing. I just got back from sector 103, and there is a disturbance. I believe it to be one of the larger species of snakes.”
Katie sipped on her coffee while changing as Josh turned around and continued, “So, I need you to go out there and take a look. I know you have a thing for the larger snakes.”
“I would love to,” Katie replied as excitement jolted her awake. It had been several months since she had actually captured one of the giant snakes and sent it back to the zoo. Being this her first year at the outpost she had hoped to have more exposure to the creatures.
Thick waterproof boots slid up on her feet as she clipped her sports bra on. Moving about throughout the marshes was relatively tricky even with the proper equipment.
Katie looked through her bag, making sure she had everything for the day’s hike. Sector 103 was only a quarter mile west, but a quarter mile through a maze of rivers and small landmasses made it nearly impossible to traverse without a small boat.
“Alrighty then, I’ll be back later tonight. My com is on if you need anything. I expect to arrive mid-day,” Katie said as she walked towards the door, backpack slung over her shoulder.
“Be careful out there. I would go with you, but I need to deliver a new anti-venom medication that I have designed in the back lab. It needs to be tested, however…”
“An anti-venom?”
“Yep. It is pretty cool actually. It will prevent any venom, from any snake, to be neutralized within the human body by breaking it down on the molecular level. The problem is that it seems to inhibit a few nerve endings in the brain. Those nerves are what control the sex drive in the animal, and humans. So it may result in a decreased or increased sex drive.”
“Wow,” Katie replied, considering the impact this would have on all researchers that put themselves in danger for the sake of science.
“I know. This a great discovery, but I need to have it tested before we can use it.”
“Let me try it.”
Katie’s words came out firm and determined despite the hint of fear she felt in the pit of her stomach.
“Fine, throw back one of these vials, and it should take effect within 24 hours if I’m correct. Unfortunately, there’s no way of knowing.”
“This tastes like shit,” Katie grunted after she finished the vial. “Maybe add some flavor to it. Good god, it’s horrible.”
Josh laughed as he packed up the rest of his research, “Alright, so I am going to be gone for the day. Outpost six is close if you need someone while I am gone. Also, remember, sector 103 has a spotty connection with these damn coms, so be extra careful.”
“Anything else?” Katie said with a sigh, rolling her eyes and turning towards the door.
“Nope, just be safe,” Josh, replied.
The door closed behind the excited young woman as she walked briskly towards the small boat on the bank. Even though there was, enough room for two, Katie always enjoyed going out on research missions by herself.
Katie pulled the motor on the small engine and started it with ease. “Alright, let’s do this,” she said to herself as the sun began to peek over the horizon. Thick fog covered the ground, making it difficult to see where the water ended, and land began.
With map in hand, Katie wound around the river and to the other side into sector 103. Noticeably leaving the swampier portion of the Everglades, she came across a clearing with several willow trees next to the shoreline. Taking note of the shade for later in the day, she drove the boat up on the beach out of the slow-moving current.
“Come out snake… come on out…,” she whispered into the fog as she stepped out of the boat and onto the marshy land. A thick carpet of moss had covered the island, as Katie noticed on the map. Each step made squishing sounds as if water were just beneath the moss.
The thick fog made it impossible to see the island banks, even though it appeared relatively small on the map.
Katie stretched and took off her shirt. Being topless was one of her favorite parts about being in the Everglades. Nobody else was around for miles.
Freeing her breasts from the sports bra made her much more relaxed as she continued around the island taking notes in a small journal. Out of the corner of her eye, while she was writing, she saw the water ripple along the surface.
Quickly pulling out her binoculars, she focused in on where she saw the ripple. Within a moment, the water was once again tranquil and barely moving along the shore.
Katie sat down a good ways from the water and waited.
Several hours passed, in which Katie managed to see several Cranes, and even an Alligator, but no snake. Not even small ones that typically inhabited the area.
Jotting down the note in her journal, Katie stood up and brushed herself off.
With the sun high in the sky, she noticed the fog was finally lifting allowing her to see the rest of the island.
Long and slim, much like a snake itself, the island was relatively small. She could easily walk around the entire landline in a matter of hours. Less, if she was not taking notes.
Katie saw a line of ripples in the water a short jog up the river. Darting towards the ripples, she tried to stay conscious of where her feet went with each step, but still keeping an eye on what appeared to be a long ripple just below the surface.
Just as she reached the end of the island, she saw the ripples disappear in the distance. With binoculars put up to her eyes, she finally saw it — a long black line moving in the murky water. Barely distinguishable, but definitely there, Katie watched eagerly, savoring every moment. Her heart beat faster as her face flushed with desire. She wanted to see the snake up closer.
“Com1 this is Com2, please come in,” Katie said into her phone.
“Com2 here,” Josh said, “is everything alright?”
Katie’s hands shook with excitement as she stared at the water where she last saw the snake. Even with binoculars, all she saw was still water.
“You won’t believe what I fucking saw,” Katie whispered as she sat down. Her waterproof pants kept her from getting too wet.
“Did you see it again? The snake?”
Katie trembled, the phone shaking, “I did, and it’s at least 20 feet long, making it the largest snake we’ve ever seen.”
“Oh please, you’re kidding, they don’t get that big here. Maybe overseas, but not here. How good of a look did you get of it?”
“Sadly not much. I have a plan though. On your way back tonight, bring a calf. I want to bait this one.”
Josh laughed through the com, “You aren’t planning on doing this yourself, are you?”
Katie let the com go silent.
“I take that as a yes. Well, fuck it, you can go alone if you want,” Josh said nervously.
“Right. So, bring back the calf tonight and tie it up in the snake locker. I know I won’t see you until tomorrow, but get that done while I’m sleeping and I’ll let you have the day off.”
Josh perked right up, “Awesome! I’ll bring one back!”
“Com1 out.”
“Com2 out.”
Katie put the com back on her hip clip and slipped out of the waterproof pants immediately followed by her comfortable work jeans and panties. Her trimmed pussy felt delightful in the warm sun, finally getting some air. Looking down at her shaven legs, she wondered why she even shaved them in the first place. It was not as if she dated at all. Men and women just never were of interest to her. Fervently deeming herself asexual, she found more pleasure in watching animals than spending time with anyone, although, much like most other women, she enjoyed the occasional orgasm with her pocket-dildo. Although she dared not speak a word to a soul about it, she enjoyed looking through pictures of snakes while she touched herself. Snakes were the only thing that excited her in any way.
With a smile on her face, she watched a flock of seagulls fly overhead in the shape of an arrow.
Being a hot Florida afternoon, Katie laid out in the sun, jotting notes while sunbathing and watching for animals. The sun felt great on her back, created beads of sweat on her forehead and arms. Wanting desperately to dip into the water for some relief, Katie knew better. The Everglades were just as dangerous as they were beautiful. Mostly it was poisonous snakes. Considering the anti-venom medication, she took for a few moments; she knew she could not do it. Dipping into the water would be stupid. Just flat-out stupid.
After an hour had passed, Katie noticed the amount of wildlife in the area was significantly reduced in comparison to the other sectors. It had to be the snake. Its home was nearby.
Katie picked up her bag and walked over to the next corner of the island a few minutes away and lay down, watching the water as her breasts lay comfortably on the soft, wet ground. Wiping away the sweat from her forehead, she looked down at her watch, noticing it was nearly time to head back to the outpost.
Sighing to herself, Katie went through her bag and tucked away her notebook.
Finally getting back to the outpost, the sun had nearly set beyond the horizon. Beautiful oranges and reds blended into a brilliant sunset that disappeared within moments.
Katie quickly showered and went to bed, almost immediately falling asleep.
In the late hours of the night, Josh pulled up with his truck, led the calf to the snake hold and put him inside the large steel box. It usually was used for transporting the wild animals, but for the sake of protection; it would do for the night.
Katie awoke to the beaming sun on her face.
Glancing down at her watch, she noticed it was 7:03 am.
“That’s fine I suppose,” she said to herself as she prepared her meals and backpack for the day.
Josh murmured and rolled over in his cot.
Slipping outside and quietly shutting the door behind her, Katie walked over to the snake hold. She could hear the animal inside. With a smile on her face, she opened the door and led the calf down to the shoreline, on the boat and over to the island. Quite unfortunately, it was not the first time she had done something like this. However, sometimes bait is needed to attract the largest of creatures.
Katie led the calf off the boat and near the waterline. Tying the animal to one of the willows, she went further down the shore and laid down on the ground with her binoculars and notepad ready.
As the hours ticked by, Katie waited, praying that the snake would come out so she could identify it.
The sun hit the highest point in the sky, signaling it was about midday, but Katie did not notice. She had her eyes set on a movement in the water down the way. It was approaching her, but heading towards the calf.
Know the snake would likely smell her first; Katie stayed especially aware of where the snake went. Watching the long black line just under the water, she stared as it passed her. Just as the head came out of the water, she immediately recognized it as a Green Python. The water had darkened its scales to appear black.
“Holy shit…” Katie whispered to herself as she watched the snake slowly emerge from the water, its body contracting and releasing thousands of times per second, moving fluidly towards the calf. “Thirty-four feet… my god, this is a record breaker.”
Jotting notes down without looking away, Katie waited eagerly for the Python to eat the calf.
Minutes passed by as the snake fully emerged and circled the animal, quickly biting its neck, then throat, back, and chest. Within moments, the snake reared its head above the calf, unhinged his jaw and tightened its long body, squeezing and holding his prey still, preparing to feed.
One long smooth motion of his mouth and the calf disappeared down inside, leaving only bits of blood on the mossy ground.
Katie watched the swollen part of his body shine against the sun, reflecting its brilliance for the world to see. The creature was absolutely enormous, way bigger than anything she had seen, and every part of his body was breathtaking.
The Python turned towards Katie and flicked his forked tongue to the air.
Knowing she had been spotted, Katie waited. The Python had just eaten, so perhaps, just perhaps, the creature would not come after her.
Katie reached into her bag and pulled out a stub nosed gun with a heavyweight tranquilizer in the barrel. She knew it was better to be safe than dinner.
Please purchase this story and support me as an author! Thank you! ~ Jezebel Rose
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