Navigating Polyamory Online When Dating

Online Dating Tips #1: Profile Creation

The first step into online dating begins the same way for everyone. All men and women online start by finding a good dating website that fits the style of relationship they are looking for. Read our review on dating websites here.  A few things to keep in mind when reading our article on profile creation is to always be honest with yourself first and never put out too much information about yourself too early. Fluffing your profile to appear to be someone you aren’t or someone you wish you were doesn’t help anybody, especially on the first date!

Dating Profile Text

Your profile is a direct reflection of who you are. Everyone always say first impressions last forever, well, in this case they do. Your opening paragraph and your picture will be the deciding factor if the reader reads the rest of your profile.

“Consider this; you go to someone’s profile and notice they have a pretty boring profile riddled with spelling errors and bad grammar.  Their profile image is a picture of literally just abs taken from a mobile phone in front of a mirror. You get the general feeling this person just doesn’t care about anything.”

After reading a profile like this, you probably will be a bit turned off by the person, if not immediately hitting the back button on your browser. When writing your profile, be sure to try to portray yourself like you are in person. This meaning, if you are fun and bubbly, say so! If you get excited about certain things, talk like you are excited. Explanation points, smiley faces and detailed explanations can help portray your thoughts quite well.

Profile activities

The best dating tip for your profile summary and activities section is going to be simply be honest. You will want to be sure you list not only the things you enjoy doing, but the things you enjoy doing with your potential new partner. One thing such as “I enjoy being alone,” really doesn’t help anybody. That’s great you like your alone time, but it’s not necessarily something you will be doing with your potential new partner. You have only a limited amount of time to captivate the viewer and irrelevant information such as this simply wastes valuable time. Focus on group activities such as board games, cycling, hiking, camping, etc. This will give the viewer something to talk about if their interests match yours!

The more activities you list, the better – to a certain extent. Nobody wants to read 50 different activities and a summary of each.

Keep it short and sweet. Less than 15 activities at the most does great for most profiles.

Profile summary

Your summary section, usually near the top of your profile, is generally the first thing people will be reading. Keeping this section short is key, and keep it interesting. Your visitors aren’t looking for a full record of your life, but a general overview of who you are as a person. I generally like to use this section to describe my personality and a general overview of what I enjoy doing. A light mention of what you do for a living is also appropriate here as well.

Dating Profile Images

Tied for the first thing people will look at on your dating profile on the website is your profile image. Make sure your face is clearly visible and showing some sort of emotion. An emotionless face is a dead face. Its boring and a huge turn off to most people, men and women alike. People date other people to bring interest, fulfill needs and add another layer to their life.

If you are doing something like, say, stare at a wall. People will hit that back button faster than you can blink.

Get a picture of you doing something you enjoy, or more importantly something that your partner would enjoy doing with you. Remember to play off your positives. If you are amazing at crafting; take a picture of yourself crafting something interesting. If you are great at video gaming, get a picture of you kicking someone’s butt at a video game! There are plenty of options and taking a picture of your abs, or you just staring straight at the camera without emotion is going to kill your dating profile even if it is perfect besides the picture.

 Coming Soon – Part 2: Sending the first message!

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