Barely Legal Midnight Gangbang Wakeup, by Jezebel Rose
The first time Lace, Danny and Carl saw Mairead, they were sitting around the community center – smoking cigarettes in the communal space, their baggy tracksuits dirty from romping through the park behind the old, worn-out place, hair untidy and faces leery with drug use.
They were all bad. They’d just turned eighteen and had a laundry list of violent offences.
Carl was tough and wide and real quiet, his face looked like a punched-in bulldog, and he always wore his windbreaker done-up to his thick neck. He was the least likely to get involved with Mairead, but if the others did, he wouldn’t shrug at joining in.
Danny was the smallest; and had a complex. He was a rat, and liked to chitter when he talked, and was the one who stared at her the most. He’d stand up and walk behind her sluggishly, pretending to jerk himself off as she tidied up the space. She’d see him doing this, know he was doing this, but would only blush and pretend he wasn’t there. This was the worst thing she could do, because he’d bark at her like a little dog and grin at his friends, getting in her space, penetrating her bubble: once, he even stuck two fingers up her ass through her skirt, and she yelped and leapt across the room, holding her bruised bottom – sending him a look of transparent disbelief. He only leered at her further, antsy at her response.
Lace was the smart one. The sharp one. He understood what Danny was doing but let it happen because it didn’t enter his bubble, except when he took it too far. Then he’d tame his friend down. The only reason Mairead was still alive, frankly, was because he stopped Danny from following her home most days. He knew if he let her, he’d probably do something terrible to the naive young social worker, and then they’d all be out on the street without a place to stay. So, if not for his own sake, he kept Danny in line. Carl didn’t care about any of them, and made that point known by never commenting on any of this.
Except one day, Mairead had had enough. She came over, standing in an ugly cream cardigan taken from her grandmother’s wardrobe, or a charity shop window, and a patterned dress that was supposed to be sunflowers, only they looked like dried-out orchids. Her voice stuttered as she admonished them, ‘’You really shouldn’t be s-smoking in here. You’re going to get me in trouble with the Staff Officer.’’ She frowned at them, but stood far enough away where they couldn’t hope to reach her.
‘’Shut up, rat!’’ Danny scolded her, ‘’Fuck off then if you don’t want us smoking in here. No one asked you to get involved.’’ He scowled.
Carl just weighed her up, not moving a muscle off the couch.
Lace stared at her quietly, his eyes trying to communicate she should just leave it. Mairead had always been good to them and had their best interests first. Lace got that, but she was just too naive for her own good: a bit too entitled, earnestly. She’d never gotten stung like they had. And there was no one else in the room but them, everyone else was out on lunch. What was she thinking, telling them what to do?
‘’Seriously – you all need to go, you aren’t welcome here anymore. When Barbara gets back, I’m telling her to throw you guys out. You’re blacklisted!’’ She shouted at them, at her wits end, tired of Danny’s sexual harassment, most likely.
Danny got up and squared up to her, even though he was about half a head smaller than Mairead. To their general surprise, she stood her ground, even when he started berating her to her face, calling her all kinds of names: a slut, a whore, a good-for-nothing dosser who had to volunteer at a center on the weekend because her grandma was sick and wasn’t good company, a no-friender, middle-class scum, a geek with weird hair that hung around her awkwardly, someone who couldn’t dress to save her life, saggy tits, fat arse – he told her how he’d like to bend her over in the linen closet, how he could make her life a bit more thrilling if she let him, and then suddenly, with a twisted smile, he tried to kiss her.
A crack sounded across the room and Danny went reeling, his hand skirting along the floor in case he lost his balance. She’d slapped him.
‘’You cunt!’’ He darted towards her and grabbed hold of her curly hair and pulled her down, and she gasped and cried-out in pain, dragged along by him towards one of the couches. Carl watched serenely, his face impassive. Lace tensed-up, because if Barbara saw this, they’d all be given community service for weeks. He started to get up, but it was too late.
Danny had Mairead over the arm of the chair with her skirt hauled-up around her hips in one hand, and her sagging ass was clear for all of them to see. It was really fat and wrinkly, pale and undesirable, but she probably felt like a good fuck due to how mushy it was. Well, Danny started spanking her as she cried-out, scrambling with her arms to find purchase on the slippery cushions of the moth-bitten leather seat, her feet beating against the floor in resistance. Her panties were ridiculous, a faded white, generally tattered, she’d probably been wearing them for years. By the time Lace got to her, her face was red and angry, and she looked utterly humiliated, pupils dilated – presumably because she was scared – with her bare thighs streaming red. Danny had actually hit her hard enough to make her fleck with blood.
‘’Fucking hell, Danny.’’ Lace pushed him away. It wasn’t hard, he was a midget.
Danny swung at the air, ‘’What!? She deserves it!’’
Lace rounded on him, yelling at the top of his lungs curtly, ‘’Yeah, but fucking look at her! She can go to Barbara with that and fuck us up!’’
‘’So what!?’ Danny cried, ‘’So what!? I don’t care, I’ll smack that bitch too!’’
At that moment, Carl rocked up, staring down at Danny. And Danny got real quiet, very intimidated by the bigger boy. Carl nodded, satisfied, and looked at Lace quietly for an answer.
Mairead was sobbing on the floor, sitting on her sore ass, holding her buns in both hands: trying to keep her skirt beneath her ankles, wiping her eyes with the sleeve of her cardigan.
Lace got down on her level, ‘’Oi. Listen.’’
She looked up and sniffed, her pale face drawn and wounded by them, greatly depressed. Lines showed on her temples and around her eyes, to the extent that she looked like an old woman with her old clothes and social ineptness. She was pitiable, Lace thought.
‘’You aren’t going to tell Barbara about this, yeah? If you do, I’ll follow you home, and fuck you in your sleep. Got it?’’
She hiccuped a whine of fear and burst into tears as she looked at him weakly, very distressed. Lace seized her by the scruff of the neck and she cried harder, but he got her chin up and her eyes to look at him. They were bubbly with tears. ‘’Got it!?’’ He repeated.
‘’Ye-s.’’ She croaked, saliva between her teeth.
‘’Good, fuck off.’’ He advised her keenly. She got up and scrambled past Carl, who let her go without incident. Danny was bouncing on his heels like a boxer as he looked after her, raring to go. She went out the room in a flurry of skirts, her sandals heard pattering down the hall as she ran towards the girl’s locker room, in all likelihood.
‘’You better hope that doesn’t come back on us.’’ Carl said, the first words he’d said all morning, and Danny jumped. Carl’s eyes were set cooly on the door Mairead had left through. He didn’t acknowledge either of them after that, just went and sat back down on the couch largely, screwing his hands together; tucking his face into the collar of his windbreaker.
‘’D’you want to go to jail?’’ Lace hissed at Danny as he left him standing there. Danny opened his hands in reproach and said, ‘’… What?’’ stupidly.
The next day, Lace and Carl stood outside the community center, hanging about on their BMX’s. They’d heard nothing about the incident and to them, it had passed by without incident.
Please purchase this story and support me as an author! Thank you! ~ Jezebel Rose
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