Daddy Loves His Barely Legal Daughter Complete Series, Jezebel Rose
Rich’s wife was out of the country and he’d been left alone with his sweet, teenage daughter. She’d hit eighteen about three months back, and was already showing signs of sexual maturity. They had a pool out back, and as he’d been fixing the bathroom sink, that’s when he’d noticed just how much his little girl had grown.
She was standing with her friend, having fun with some app they loved to be on. What they would do is set the phone up beneath the parasol, then run in their bikinis along the pool and strike poses. Their favorite thing to do was bend over provocatively or dance routines in front of the lens with great big smiles on their faces, constantly throwing back their hair across their shoulders while sending hard glances towards the camera. It was when he saw his daughter touch her hip and feel across her own thigh and in between her legs that he sat up and stopped what he was doing.
Usually, he’d be angry, protective, even; but she was really good at it. It was as if she’d practiced it time and time again. He saw her feet land one foot in front of the other, her manicured toes – which he’d paid for – strutting towards the parasol, before stopping and throwing herself down towards the ground to touch said toes, her back-end coming up high in the air in a feat of flexibility he hadn’t seen out of his wife in years. Her ass was tight and youthful, with a buff imprint of her pussy showing against the thin fabric of her swimwear. That got him going, to his surprise.
Rich got on the toilet seat and ran his hand along the windowsill to settle into the show – without even thinking about what he was doing. By now, his daughter and her friend were giggling as they reviewed the story on their camera, sat on the outdoor table with their long, tan legs dangling about, shiny and wet from a recent dip in the pool.
Her friend wasn’t half as cute as his daughter, he noticed. No, his daughter had great eyelashes and full, lined lips; done-up with hot pink lipstick that drew attention to her pretty white teeth and easy-going smile. She liked to pout and smile a lot, and as she lifted up her camera above her head to take a selfie, he saw her gorgeous stomach muscles at work. They were soft and curvaceous, yet toned with a strong core. She was a cheerleader and dancer, after all.
All of a sudden, she screamed in surprise and shook her hands in the air, then grabbed her friend hard and shook her too. Her friend had the same reaction as they laughed happily, then started chattering too quickly for him to hear. They’d seen something on their phones that had made them ecstatic, he figured.
With a push off the table, his daughter threw a towel around herself and came running, her legs carrying her in a delicate and unbalanced manner below the window and into the house. He calmly stood up to receive her, figuring she was running to tell her Daddy just what had happened.
He met her at the top of the stairs. Her eyes were shining from below. She was about 5’1” tall, with very tan skin and glossy hair done-up in a tall ponytail that sat above her head. She had a baby-doll look, with perfect nails and awesome aesthetics that were entirely her mother’s. Only she wore them better at her age, thanks to the influence of the internet. There was something raucy about her he couldn’t place his finger on, something he felt his generation had missed out on, a sexual liberation that she’d happily begun exploring once she’d turned eighteen, something he’d made no attempt to squash out. As a result, he had a perfect little girl in the making, and she still had her virginity, as far as he knew of.
‘’Dad! Something awesome happened! Can I show you?’’ She asked, looking up at him hopefully.
He nodded and came down the stairs, and they stood together there. He was about a foot taller than his girl, and his sheer size meant she had to cuddle into his chest as her fake nails navigated the phone screen expertly, beaming up at him as she worked. He felt her soft thigh nudge into his own, her body glowing beneath the towel she’d wrapped around herself, not knowing what her own father felt towards her as she showed him the contents of her phone.
On it was a video of her dancing outside the pool to the same routine he’d seen only moments ago. He acted as if he was seeing it for the first time, still wiping the dirt off his hands from the crooked sink, and watched as she bent over for a second time; that buff pussy of hers pressed snugly against the bottoms of her swimsuit, her tight arse cupping it beautifully, the fabric around her sex vaguely damp.
‘’What am I looking at, baby?’’ He looked down at her. The scent of her perfume kept coming to him. She smelt like baby oil, powder, and mangoes. The heat of her body was still stimulating his senses. At his question, she laughed, her voice a delicate tinkle, and then she leaned into him harder and poked her finger at all the notifications in the bottom corner of the screen, ‘’Look! Ten thousand! That’s ten thousand people sharing my video!’’
‘’Oh baby,’’ he said and grinned at her, ‘’I’m so proud.’’ This was his default response to anything she did, as long as it made her happy; and kept her mind on simple things. As a result, she beamed brighter, and quickly threw her arms around him in a long hug. He settled into it and felt her up, touching her soft hips and little thighs, noticing how easy she’d be to lift up. And he did so.
She shrieked with joy and immediately hooked her tan legs around him. The towel slipped down her body between them and let her breasts go. They sat there lusciously in the cushy red fabric of her bikini, their surfaces glinting with pool water and beads of perspiration, soft and warm and perky upon her chest, a nice handful – the pair of them.
She beamed at him, looking right into his eyes. ‘’So will you get me a new swim set?’’ She said out of nowhere.
‘’Why do you need a new one?’’ He blinked.
‘’Because,’’ she began, her voice cloying with innocence, fingernails wandering his shoulders and playing with the back of his hair, doting on her Daddy. ‘’Every video needs a new outfit, Daddy, otherwise: people won’t share it.’’
He had to pretend he understood, ‘’Hmm… but what do I get out of it?’’ He joked, and she pouted and struck him in the nose with the flat of her palm, and he laughed and jostled her a bit in his arms, causing her legs to tighten further about him. He could feel her swimsuit bottoms against his groin, and the warmth between her legs.
‘’Nothing, silly! I’m your daughter. You get to see me happy.’’ She tittered, and then looked at him quizzically, expecting that to be enough.
‘’Uh-uh. I don’t think so. I’ll tell you what, I’ll buy the swimsuits for you… but I get to pick them, and in return, I’ll even film the videos for you. That way, we can get better angles, which will make the videos higher quality, so more people will view them.’’
She thought about this with a big, thoughtful expression on her face, with her eyes tilted up and one of her long, fake nails tapping her hot pink lips. He took this opportunity to explore her breasts again. They were almost popping out of her bra, he saw.
‘’Well… it doesn’t really make sense to me, but I could use some help… uhm, okay. Deal!’’ She extended a hand to him and he shook it formally. She grinned and he did so too.
‘’Thanks Dad.’’ She said and came in for a light kiss. He returned it slowly and seductively, and she breathed into a little; and to his surprise, repeated his technique. She actually flicked her tongue across his, and delicately said to his mouth, ‘’I’ve never been kissed that way before…’’
‘’… Do you like it?’’
Please purchase this story and support me as an author! Thank you! ~ Jezebel Rose
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