Drugged Daughter Fucks The Family Dog, by Jezebel Rose
My daughter Lulu was in the back seat of the car and absolutely loopy, thanks to our dentist. He’d given her a double dose of local anesthetic and her head was rolling around her shoulders with her tongue out. Lulu’s mascara-lined eyes were doing strange things in her head, and I kept having to talk her out of doing weird acts, like feeling up our dog’s bollocks, for instance.
Our dog, Blondi, was led across her, and panting nervously because he was worried about her. They’d always had a special relationship, my daughter and her dog. Sometimes I found them cuddling at night in my bed, my daughter’s calf wrapped around Blondi’s back, face pressed into his fur; as if he was a living, breathing teddy bear.
But there was more to it, I thought. The dog always had his chapstick out during their sessions, pink and wet and thick with canine fluids. Panting heavily against my daughter’s earlobe, lapping subtly at her breasts. What was going through his mind, I wondered, when he was bedding with my eighteen-year-old daughter? Did he want to fuck her as badly as I did, some nights?
‘’Dad. I feel so funny. Why’s Blondi so warm and snuggly?’’ Lulu asked, wrapping her arms around him, lifting him up to her chest. He panted excitedly and lapped at her face and she grinned, but her eyes kept losing their focus. ‘’So warm. So snuggly.’’ She repeated, then laid him down and leaned across him and put her butt up in the air for some reason. I saw it was tight to her denim shorts and the plump corners of her cheeks were escaping the seams and pressing up against the car window, leaving bold impressions of my daughter’s smoking-hot ass against the glass.
‘’… Lulu, will you put your seatbelt on? Christ.’’ I said, conflicted, and watched her go between the dog’s legs, sniggering the whole time. Her breasts were almost falling out of her black tank top, and I thought I saw a little glimpse of purple where her areolas should have been, the same color as her lips; which were busy getting wetter and wetter, as Lulu licked her lips from one side to the other apprehensively.
‘’Blondi’s happy to see me today, Daddy.’’ Lulu said. Then I heard a silky, wet suckling sound coming from the back seat, and a breathy moan ensued from my teenage daughter. I threw a glance from the road to the rear view mirror, and saw Lulu with her eyes closed, thick lips full of knotted dog dick; and she was bobbing her head on it with her hands placed deep into Blondi’s fur, as he led there on his back, smiling at the corners of his jowls and panting like a fiend.
Please purchase this story and support me as an author! Thank you! ~ Jezebel Rose
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