Housewife Forced Dogslut, by Jezebel Rose
Rachel had never liked her boyfriend’s dog, Gray. He was a large doberman. Lean but muscular with large flanks and a mean, narrow head. He would lie at her boyfriend’s feet and stare up at her intelligently, and Rachel would always wrap her arms around herself and bring her knees together to protect her innocence. She felt as if the dog was eyeing her up. Waiting for a moment to turn on her. ‘’What the hell is up with your dog?’’ She’d ask her boyfriend.
‘’Who? Gray?’’ Her boyfriend would laugh. Then lean down and ruffle the dog’s fur. Gray would always roll over and show belly for him. Acting like a prized puppy, rather than the rough, mild-mannered dog she knew so well. ‘’He’s all belly, see?’’ Her boyfriend would smile. Doting over the dog he’d had since they’d begun their relationship five years ago.
But Rachel knew better. Gray wasn’t to be trusted. She’d caught the dog being aggressive with their baby more than once. On one occasion, they’d left Gray alone in the front room with their child. Gray had always been jealous of the baby, Rachel felt. That day proved it. She’d found Gray with his paws up on the baby’s crib, gums showing and teeth bared. Her child crying, scared for her life. ‘’Leave her alone!’’ Rachel had cried, swatting at the dog with a broom. In response, the doberman gnawed apart the broom handle, then tore it out of her hands. Afterwards, the dog had backed her up into a corner, ready to strike. Rachel remembered how heavy her heart had felt in her chest, terrified the dog would harm her and her family.
Luckily, Rachel’s boyfriend had whistled from downstairs, and Gray’s ears had gone down. Then he slunk out of the room, watching her as he went. Afterwards, she’d screamed bloody murder at her boyfriend – who wouldn’t listen to a word of it. He hadn’t seen what she saw, and couldn’t empathize. It drove her mad. The dog was possessed by the Devil, she thought. Imbalanced. Unpredictable. She’d threatened to walk out on them both, but her boyfriend had cried and asked her why, what her problem was, and in a fit of sympathy, she’d forgotten her anger and left the issue unresolved.
Three weeks on, and Rachel was busy in the kitchen late one night, wearing a sexy little nightdress. Her perky nipples showed against the black silk. She was cold, and her arms were riddled with gooseflesh. Her hair was kept mid-length around her shoulders in a silky auburn curtain, and her features were narrow and petite, like a French maid. She was a very handsome and very petite young woman, with pale skin and slender legs. Too good for her boyfriend and his asshole dog, she felt. But nonetheless, she stayed with him, hoping things would get better.
Rachel opened the backdoor to take out the trash. Hidden in the shadows of the kitchen corner, Gray stood up and followed. Ears high. Her boyfriend sat on the couch in the other room watching the television, completely unaware.
She was halfway across the yard, and about to put the garbage in the bin, when she heard the first growl.
‘’… Gray. Don’t.’’ She warned. But her voice was frigid with fear.
The dog stepped closer, hackles raised. She stumbled back and hit the garbage can. Gray ran at her full speed.
Rachel hit the ground with the dog on top of her. Paws pinned to her chest. Her delicate body looked like a shard of glass in comparison to the enormous hound. She stared up at Gray fearfully, visibly trembling. Her eyes dilated and inky black. ‘’G-Get off me…’’ She stuttered. But the dog only snapped at her, then sniffed her fear when she flinched. ‘’G-Gray, I’m s-serious. G-Get off. N-Now…’’ Rachel kept repeating, on her back in the mud, surrounded by tall blades of grass and the naked night sky; the backdoor of the house feeling very, very faraway.
Gray shoved his head between her legs, and Rachel cringed in revulsion. She couldn’t believe what was happening. The dog was lapping at her cunt, snuffling against it, smelling her juices. She knew exactly what he wanted. It all clicked into place far too late. The bile rose in her throat. She felt sick with fear. ‘’N-No,’’ Rachel gasped. Her hand went for Gray’s collar, but the dog got hold of her wrist and dragged her around and onto her front on the lawn, with her ass up in the air, face down in the mud. The dark slip of her nightdress riding up around her thighs, exposing the silk lingerie of her grass-stained thong. She shivered harder, tried to crawl away, but the dog had hold of her. It was pulling apart the strings of her underwear with its teeth. Growling hard in its throat. I’m going to be raped in my backyard by my boyfriend’s dog, Rachel thought.
She cried out desperately, signaling for help. But Gray’s hard cock slipped out of its sheath, wet with sinuous ropes of pre-cum, pointed right at the pink lips of Rachel’s bare pussy. She heaved as the dog inserted itself, her eyes going wide. She felt him slip inside to her core; bordering on entering her cervix, and gripped the grass for tear life – tearing up chunks of earth. Rachel cried out moans from the depths of her throat as the dog humped her desperately, using her like a paper doll. She reached back and tried to fend him off to no avail, only succeeding in spreading her cheeks further, allowing the doberman deeper access to her precious cunt. By now, the dog was salivating and whining fiercely. Glad to have a bit of good, wet pussy at last. Its muscular legs working hard to drill the uptight bitch, jaw locked around Rachel’s neck, keeping her pinned down. Taking her like her boyfriend should have taken her weeks before. Face down, ass up, fucked raw; inserted into by a canine cock twice the size of her petite pussy, stretching her, tearing her, making her feet slide around in the mud for a glimpse of freedom. But there was no freedom, only the dog, mating with her in the mud. Unnoticed by her boyfriend in the back garden, Rachel was ravaged by the doberman until her head spun and her tongue came out, panting desperately like an animal herself as she lifted her ass up and shoved herself back against him. Inserting the dog’s dick deeper and deeper into her slippery, wet cunt. Getting him off. Tugging at his balls and shaft with a spare hand, gripping hold of the grass with the other. Speaking in tongues, ‘’Cum you fucking animal.’’ She whispered to herself, lewdly unawares, her eyes pitched up into her skull – eye sockets nothing but white. She was being fucked to madness. Ready to pop, her pussy bulged around Gray’s dick, lips fully engorged and trembling. Then, with an epic cry, Rachel came.
Please purchase this story and support me as an author! Thank you! ~ Jezebel Rose
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