How I Wet Your Mother, by Jezebel Rose
She had been a bitch to him, but he still had quite strong feelings for her for some reason. He’d been seeing Ann for around six months or so and had grown fonder of her over time.
Although neither one of them had declared love for one another, his feelings ran deep. Recently though, since she’d started the new job, he’d noticed that a distance had crept into their relationship. It was fine for the first few weeks, but then the way she spoke to him, looked at him, the general impatience and intolerance of him, made him see that things were not all well. He broached the subject of breaking up with her on several occasions, but she wouldn’t hear of it, telling him that she’d “Just been busy” bullshit.
He wasn’t convinced and had started to think about hedging his bets a little. He’d started building himself a dating profile, although he hadn’t gotten to the stage of making it live online. He didn’t want to leap ahead and do something out of anger, if he could help it. Fucking another woman would be done in anger, and it would hurt both women and make them both feel fucked over.
He was 32, and Ann was 20. He thought that the age thing could be an issue when they first hooked up, but his ego had taken over and squashed any doubts he had. Sex was amazing with her. He’d dated women his age, but she was a blank slate and had allowed him to explore just how crazy things could get in the bedroom. He was only her second boyfriend, so she had been easily convinced to try anything once, so he doubted that he would get that lucky with anyone else. He’d do things to her, and she’d think it was normal. Occasionally she would question things, but he’d find the relevant porn clip on his phone and show her.
“See, everyone does it, but they can’t show you this in school biology class.” He’d reassure her.
He got on well with Ann’s mother, too; she was in her late forties, a divorcee. She was always at the gym and tried to look after herself. She was no supermodel but had managed to age quite gracefully. He sometimes had more to speak about with her mother than his girlfriend, especially when evil Ann reared her head. He decided to head over to Ann’s place and see if he could chat with her again. If she were unreasonable, he would end it there and then.
He grabbed his car keys and headed out through the door.
It was only a short drive, but knowing that today could be the day they ended things, made the drive longer. He was convinced, though, that resolution of some kind and having closure would be best for the two of them long term. He pulled into the driveway, feeling that it could be the last time he ever drove up it.
He stopped in front of the carport and sat for a minute, getting his thoughts together, composing himself for what was to come.
A knock on his driver’s window fifteen minutes later gave him a start. He pressed the button to lower the window.
It was Ann’s mother, obviously wondering why he’d come around and wasn’t leaving his car. He hoped that she hadn’t noticed him talking to himself, giving himself a good pep talk, and imitating Ann’s voice in response to his goodbye speech.
“What are you doing, sat in the car? Do you not want to come in and have a drink?” She asked him.
He felt a good drink was what he needed for the conversation that was going to come.
The best-laid plans.
He followed Ann’s mother into the house. He knew where everything was, so he helped himself to a drink. He got a tall glass from behind the bar, dropping two blocks of ice into it, and then proceeded to top it up with neat vodka.
Please purchase this story and support me as an author! Thank you! ~ Jezebel Rose
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