Humiliating My Twin Daughters, by Jezebel Rose
Pastor Lewis was celebrating the birthdays of his twin daughters, Stephanie and Rosabelle. He’d hired-out the churchyard for a fair, and all of his daughter’s friends were in attendance. He played the doting father until the party neared an end, and got many compliments from the neighborhood watch concerning his daughters – they were good, righteous Christians, the community said.
If only they knew.
‘’Stephanie.’’ He said to his youngest daughter as she passed him by. She stopped and came over eagerly, always happy to see her father.
‘’Yes Daddy?’’ She said. Today she was wearing a perfectly conservative outfit, and looked the image of virtue. That would change very soon, he thought, as he handed his daughter her birthday gift.
She took it, ecstatic, and beamed at him. ‘’What is it?’’ She asked, already trying to tear the packaging a little to take a peek within. He placed his hand over hers calmly and warned her, ‘’Not where others can see.’’
Stephanie glanced up immediately, her face the picture of innocence, but an idea soon dawned on her face. Her mind must have been racing to understand what it was, what her priest of a father had bought her for her birthday that no one else could see. She tucked it to her tits and glanced around, ‘’Is it naughty?’’ She whispered to him quietly.
‘’Very.’’ He answered.
She smiled a secret smile, ‘’Will I get to wear it for you tonight?’’ She guessed.
He smiled, she was so very bright. ‘’Yes. If you’ve said all your prayers, that is.’’
She nodded quickly, ‘’Of course, Daddy.’’ She insisted, eager to prove herself as his best girl.
He pressed her away by the hips, turning her around in the process, guiding her back to the party. She bounced upon her feet, her slim calves showing below her plaid skirt, her smile cheeky over her shoulder. ‘’Go enjoy the party,’’ he insisted. ‘’And call your sister for me!’’ He shouted after her as an afterthought. Stephanie nodded and went to produce her twin sister for him, her gift swaddled to her chest.
Rosabelle came over, rocking a pair of heels he both enjoyed and detested. She looked vaguely gothic in comparison to her angelic sister, and annoyed that she’d been pulled away from her friends to answer her father’s summons. Her curvaceous chest was on full blast, her stomach out, showing her freckles leading into the lines of her hips, and her thighs were fuller than her sister’s beneath her plaid skirt – or perhaps that was because the skirt was jacked up. He also noticed that she’d decided to paint her nails black. All of them.
Her dark eyes studied him pensively, ‘’What?’’ She asked, crossing her arms over her chest, tapping her nails against her bare skin. She was sour because he’d taken her phone away earlier, as to prepare her for tonight – it was the only way he could control this little brat.
‘’I got you a present.’’ He extended the second gift to his daughter. She raised her eyebrow, surprised, and hesitated before she took it. As she started to peel back the wrapping, she kept looking at him suspiciously, and when she saw what he’d gotten her through the torn parcel, she blushed.
‘’Fuck – Dad?’’ She gasped. And then looked around suspiciously. ‘’Is this Victoria’s Secret?’’
‘’Yes.’’ He answered, studying her reaction. She looked both uncomfortable and curious.
‘’For after the party?’’ She guessed, studying him back.
‘’Mmn’hmn.’’ He nodded to her. Rosabelle bit her lip and eyed him up slowly, her eyes settling on his dick in his trousers. He already had a stiffy on.
‘’Do you miss it already?’’ He said without thinking, forgetting where they were. There were people littered all around the party, drinking non-alcoholic beer and enjoying themselves.
With a naughty little breath and a sharp, high-pitched inhale, Rosa blushed even further, but then nodded discreetly – her eyes flicking to one side to make sure her friends weren’t watching.
‘’Then say it,’’ he encouraged.
‘’… I miss my Daddy’s dick.’’ She whispered softly.
‘’Do you want to suck it?’’
‘’… Yes Sir.’’
‘’Would you get on your knees if I asked you to right now?’’
She inhaled sharply and whined, ‘’Dad…’’ her shoulders slumping, her arms coming back around herself. She was both horny and embarrassed as she held the package to her tits, just as Stephanie had. After all, it was the first set of lingerie he’d ever allowed either of them to possess. They both cherished and hated the fact that their father had been the one to give it to them.
‘’Alright. Go on. But don’t forget to say your prayers before the party’s over.’’ He encouraged her, and then waved her away.
Rosabelle turned about but eyed him over her shoulder, her eyes on his and her lips parted slightly, a daydream taking place in her mind that was communicated through the look she gave him. And on pointed heels she went away, her hips bouncy inside her skirt, the hem of which fluttered around her ass – showing a hint of the dark panties she wore.
Mmn’hmn. Both of his girls were ready to be broken in. They’d already showed him they were obsessed with his cock from the event that took place earlier in the living room, and after a few drinks here at the party – which they were sure to sneak away from the banquet table – they’d be ready for even more of what their Father had to give them.
Pastor Lewis ran his hand against the bulge in his trousers discreetly, and prepared himself mentally for tonight – it was going to be a wild one.
‘’Daddy,’’ Stephanie begun, her lips already performing a legendary pout, ‘’I think there’s a problem with my outfit…’’
She stood there on the altar with her whole body in the nude – with the exception of a white lace collar, set tight around her neck, angelic wrist wraps, like ribbons around her hands, and a garter belt about her right thigh, connoting her virginity. Otherwise, she was pink and pert, her shoulders held in nervously, her tits up and blushing, her abdomen tensed-up and cunt below dressed in a light smattering of blonde pubic hair. Her flower was lovely and virginal, and hadn’t yet been broken, leading into full, wide thighs and toned calves, ending in the most perfect pair of feet on this God given earth. She was a rare treasure, a budding flower, one ripe to be plucked; and about to be. There was nothing wrong with her outfit, he was determined to make her feel as though she was about to be taken, and from the dewy look in her eyes, that was exactly what he’d succeeded in doing.
‘’No, Stephanie, you’re perfect.’’ He argued, and she bit her lip, knowing she’d have to deal with her nudity. She bowed her head, a little drunk from sneaking drinks away from the party, but then said with her smallest voice – not one to be argumentative, especially with her darling Daddy.
‘’But why does Rosabelle get to wear that?’’ She questioned.
Unlike her twin sister, Rosabelle was dressed – in a five-piece set of lingerie. The gorgeous young woman stood, tongue in her cheek, arms about her torso, with all her weight in her right hip. On her feet were the same black heels she’d worn to the party, but up her legs she now wore see through nylons, which sculpted all the muscles in her thighs, and around her right leg she wore a beautiful black garter with red highlights, waiting to be plucked free – as if she was the birthday present, and not the birthday girl. Between her thighs she had on a daring lace thong that was thin enough to show the dark spot of pubic hair direct contrast to her dear, sweet sister, and the lace around her hips connected to the straps of her bra, which was low-cut and incredibly busty for a girl her age to be wearing – especially a Pastor’s daughter. And above her collar a smutty, fierce little choker sat about her throat with a silver crucifix attached to it, as well as a metal link for when he felt like putting her on a leash. She met his eyes disobediently, but seemed to take subtle pride in her image, as she must have known she looked good; and her fuck-me eyes had a subtle quality to them that wrenched him over, asked him to spank her and call her a bad, bad girl. She slid her best foot forward, tapped her nails against her arm, and lifted up her jaw, shaking her dark hair loose in an attempt to tempt him over.
Compared to one another, he had yin and yang, light and dark, vanilla and chocolate – dressed-up, busty, and raring to go. Even if they both had a face on, he felt that was just their anxiety talking. In reality, he knew his twin daughters were ready to get fucked.
Please purchase this story and support me as an author! Thank you! ~ Jezebel Rose
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