Making Love With A Dragon, by Jezebel Rose
Zephaniah crept deeper and deeper into the dragon’s cave, her mind whirling with possibilities as to what she could steal. No matter what she took, Zephaniah knew that it would fetch her an acceptable price. But only if the dragon didn’t catch her first.
Like so many dragons, Marzo had an eye for all that was shiny. His lair was filled with treasures of all sizes and all shapes. Zephaniah passed by several large golden statues and walked under multiple large ornamental weapons hanging on the cave’s walls. The various golden trinkets shone as Zephaniah walked, illuminating her path – just one of many feats of magic that Marzo could perform.
She stepped deeper and deeper into the lair’s depths, excited for what she might find at the end.
And when she reached the end, and when she found herself stepping out into a vast and airy chamber, the view before her did not disappoint.
Yet more treasure-filled Zephaniah’s eyes, on the floor and the walls both. She saw paintings of landscapes with golden frames, golden cups, and piles upon piles of golden coins. At the very center was a large bed of moss, which Zephaniah already knew would be soft and pleasant to the touch.
She both saw and heard the waterfall at the far end, which fell into a large and glowing underground lake. She wandered over to it and immediately saw the source of the glow: yet more coins lay piled up beneath the surface, perfectly visible within the water.
Beautiful, Zephaniah thought. Truly beautiful.
She walked around the chamber slowly, taking in everything there was to take in, wondering just how long she had before Marzo returned. Dragons could sense when their lairs were being intruded upon and were always quick to return when they did. Zephaniah had long ago learned those very facts.
With those thoughts in mind, Zephaniah scanned her eyes over the closest pile of treasure. And just from a glance, Zephaniah saw what she wanted: an elegant little necklace with a thin silver chain and a little green jewel within its center. It was modest by Marzo’s standards and yet all the more perfect for it.
Zephaniah slipped the necklace around her neck. Looking around, she spotted a large silver mirror leaning against one of the coin piles and eagerly hurried towards it. There, she smiled at her reflection. The little trinket clashed so utterly with the everyday garb she was wearing and yet felt so utterly right to have on.
And still, there was no sign of Marzo. Still, Zephaniah seemed to be in the clear.
She left the large chamber and crept back through the dragon’s lair, retracing her previous steps, asking herself where Marzo now was. Did the dragon not know that she was here? Was she going to get out with that new necklace of hers in hand?
And as she asked herself those very things, a loud snort startled her to attention. Marzo, she knew, had sensed her after all.
She saw his shadow around a corner before she saw the dragon himself. He peered around; his muzzle curled into a draconic grin.
‘Exploring, my little thief?’ Marzo said.
He rounded the corner slowly, his hard red scales shining faintly in the light of his many treasures. He advanced towards her on all four of his limbs, his claws scraping against the rocky ground, his wings folded loosely on his back. His teeth were those of a predator, massive and sharp and utterly deadly.
‘It does look good on you,’ Marzo said. ‘You were right about that.’
Zephaniah sighed, realizing now that the dragon had been spying on her the whole time – and spying on her through her very mind. All dragons could touch the minds of men and women, both to seek out their secrets and bend them to the dragon’s will. It was something that Zephaniah had experienced many times.
‘Come. Let us both get comfortable,’ Marzo said. He pushed her back lightly with his snout, smirking all the while.
She made her way back to the cave’s deepest chamber, Marzo right behind her all the while. Again, she stepped into the dazzling sanctum that the dragon called his home. Furthermore, she took in the splendid array of treasures that filled the enormous space.
She hurried on over to the moss at the chamber’s center, already knowing that this was where Marzo wanted her to be. It was soft against her boots and was dry against her clothes when she sat down.
‘Now then,’ Marzo said. ‘I believe you have something that is mine.’
Zephaniah removed the necklace, relinquishing it with only the slightest disappointment. It had looked good, she decided, but it had clashed so very badly with the rest of her attire. Frankly, it was no significant loss – even without considering that she’d never had a chance of taking it, to begin with. She watched in silence as Marzo took the necklace in one thick claw and then continued to watch as he gently laid it onto the nearest treasure pile.
‘Now then, my little thief,’ the dragon said. ‘Just what am I to do with you?’
Zephaniah swallowed again. She watched the massive beast pace side to side before her eyes, his tail flicking slightly as he moved.
‘I think you need a lesson,’ the creature said. ‘Wouldn’t you agree?’
Zephaniah had a good idea of what that lesson would be, even before she saw the beast’s cock hardening between his legs.
‘Yes, a lesson,’ the dragon said, more to himself than to Zephaniah. ‘A lesson you will not soon forget.’
A sudden heat flared through Zephaniah’s body, causing the lithe thief to yelp in surprise. A surge of horniness bloomed from her cunt, and her hands instinctively went down. She furiously rubbed at her breasts and at her pussy, desperate for stimulation, desperate to be touched.
Please purchase this story and support me as an author! Thank you! ~ Jezebel Rose
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