Chuck was just a working man with a wife and 3 daughters at home. He’d had a rough day at work with his boss’s boss shadowing him in clothes too revealing to be professional. On the way home he encounters a bright light and heat that he can’t explain. Later that night a random outburst reveals a strange power that he acquired. People would suddenly do what he asked when he used the phrase “I wish.” He uses the power that night with his wife and starts planning what tomorrow will bring when he’s back at work.
Chuck has to learn how to come to terms with what he can do with this new power. Does he wrestle with guilt or live life to the fullest? He meets a woman in the grocery store and discovers more oddities about the way people react when he gives his commands. Afterwards, once he reaches home, he gets some answers to the powers he finds himself in charge of. But are the answers too scary to deal with?
Chuck continues to think about the demon’s warning, that those that use this power are bound to ruin their lives. Each time he uses the power there seems to be something new: a new desire, a new kink, a new opportunity for things to go wrong. But they aren’t going wrong. Things are going amazing. At a friend’s bonfire he catches his friend’s wife cheating with another man. Will he expose them, or will he use this as an excuse to try out a new experience?
Chuck wakes up to his wife horny after drinking all night. She agrees to try some anal, but what she submits to lights the fire in Chuck and he needs to take more. He uses his power to make her forget afterwards. Later his daughter’s best friend is over, flirting with him. When he tries to pursue her, she embarrasses him by not really being interested. In his anger he uses his power to force her to come to him that night. He leaves her with the ability to fight him, but he takes what he wants from her anyway. Along the way he releases a method of pleasure that he’s never experienced and realizes that the demon’s warning of ruining his life could come true if he lets himself becoming addicted to it.
Chuck heads back to work on Monday to be surprised when his boss’s boss Bonnie is back again. Remembering that he’s wished for it accidentally by a command on Friday she confronts him about the sex they had. She is married but wants to keep having sex with him, she just doesn’t want anything complicated. What a dream come true for Chuck. They find a hidden spot in the warehouse and he starts training her to to take him orally. Then later he uses his power to make her beg him for anal. Is this everything he hoped for, or are the pieces falling into place to ruin his life?
As Chuck continues his life he begins to realize that he’s losing memories of commanding people. Or is something else going on? The demon appears to him again, warning him of a field of corruption that grows every time he uses his powers. Within the field people are beginning to lose inhibitions without commands. he sees this happening at work with one of his workers. She’s falling under the spell without being the target of it. Chuck thinks this might be a loophole. If he doesn’t use the power to influence them, then having sex with them shouldn’t spread the field any farther. Is he right, or is this another step on the road to destruction?
Chuck returns home after a full day of sex before and during work. He was just hoping for a relaxing night with his wife. A knock at the door brings Bonnie into his house. Why is she here? Their work sex life was supposed to stay a secret! His wife comes to see who it is and Bonnie spills their secrets. Claire is floored and Chuck can think of no way to save everything than to use his powers to make everyone accept his choices. But the power works in odd ways now, interacting with the corruption field the demon already told him was in place. Bonnie and Claire immediately become intrigued with each other and his life between them. What unfolds next is a night full of new pleasures, new experiences, and new questions. But if the power has saved his marriage and made things easier, surely there’s no downside now. Is there?
Chuck keeps his “meeting” with Jenny, this time having Bonnie in to watch. Jenny is ready, and aggressive. Is this her desire pushing her or the corruption field? Her fierceness brings out the carnal urges that Chuck experiences, making him use a command that he hadn’t intended to. Was the demon right, is this impossible to resist? After Jenny and Bonnie leave Chuck has an encounter with the demon again. This time she offers to show him what awaits him if he continues down his path.
Chuck meets up with Isabelle, his oldest daughter’s best friend, after she reaches out to him. They haven’t spoken of the night in his garage since it happened. He used his power to take her that night, but made her have fond memories of the event afterwards despite her not liking men at all. Now they were together again, and she has a confession for him. She thinks about him and that night still, and needs him again. But more, her girlfriend needs him as well. Chuck agrees to meet up with them. No powers, no commands, just three adults having a good night together. But when Isabelle’s girlfriend is revealed to be Chuck’s daughter, after he’s already mid-sex with her, he will choose to use his power in a way he never has before. Is this the line in the sand that he can’t come back from? Is this what the demon has been taunting him with the whole time?
Chuck wakes up after a passionate night of sex with his daughter Jennifer and her girlfriend. The three of them have formed a deep bond after last night. he goes home and Claire has invited all the daughters over for dinner that evening. When Jennifer arrives she does a great job of acting like nothing has changed. But after dinner when she is hanging out at the pool with her sister Kelly she spills the beans about how amazing it was. Kelly is enraged and confronts Chuck about what he thinks he’s doing. Chuck has to use his power to keep her from telling their mother. His command is quick, maybe not worded the best. She attacks him, demanding aggressive, rough sex. Chuck complies, having sex with another of his daughters. The demon appears afterwards, taunting him about his string of bad choices and continual use of the power. Is he truly too far gone now?
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