Professional Dominant, by Jezebel Rose
It was 06:30 AM in New York, and Marilyn stood looking at herself in the mirror. She had changed her earrings from pearls to diamonds and back again at least three times already. She was unable to decide which her professional dominant might like better, and eventually settled on diamonds, believing that he might appreciate a touch of class. Then she bit her lip and played the audio recording again, because it gave her chills whenever she heard it.
‘’… You need to try this, Lyn.’’ Her friend Rachel said, her voice dulcet and delicate.
‘’… He’s incredible. This man is smart… sophisticated… sexy. I’ve never met anyone quite like him. It could be an act, you know? The sessions are so short… But, you know that feeling you get, when you think a guy can see right through you? … That’s how he makes me feel. And the way he talks. I can’t describe it. It makes my heart-… Ah! My husband-,’’ Rachel said and lowered her voice. ‘’… He’s home; I must go. Call me, won’t you? I can’t stop thinking about-. Okay, no. I have to go. Bye, bye!’’’ Rachel hung up the phone.
‘‘Voice message sent at… 11:00 PM.’’
Marilyn looked down, then pressed the replay button with a well-manicured nail, her heart feeling lighter at even the slightest mention of a scandal.
‘’… smart… sophisticated… sexy. … can’t stop thinking about… when he looks at me… the way he talks… makes my heart… it could be an act… but you know that feeling… when a guy… can see right through you-,’’
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