Raped and then Raped Again by Daddy, by Jezebel Rose
Jamie lay in her bed, softly crying. That in itself was nothing new; her life was one of torment and self-incrimination. She had been a bright, bubbly teenager, then at 18, she became as she was now. That was when she had been brutally beaten, raped repeatedly and beaten until she almost died. After they were finished with her, they had tried to kill her, and it might have been more merciful if they had succeeded. The men responsible had been caught, tried and put in prison. That was their punishment; hers was never able to forget. She just had to close her eyes, and she would relive that terrible day, she could see them, hear them, and what was worse, she could feel them.
Her friends could not handle her pain and had deserted her. She could not bear to sleep alone so her mom and Daddy had let her sleep with them thinking she would get over it, she had not. When the doctor told her that she could never have children, her mother blamed Jamie. Her mom and Daddy had terrible fights about her, and her mom had finally just left.
The psychiatrist she had been seeing said she would get over it, but she still cried all of the time. Her red hair was not as shiny, her blue eyes not as bright. The only person she could count on was her Daddy; he alone still stood by her. Other than, to see the doctor she had not left the house in a long time. She had no outside contact except the television. She would not answer the phone or the door. If she needed anything, she had her Daddy get it and bring it home.
The door opened, and her Daddy walked in. They did not even pretend she had her own bedroom anymore. She watched as her Daddy sat down on the bed next to her. He had a strange look. “Daddy?”
“I’ve decided to change how I’ve been treating you. Because of the doctors, I have been using kid gloves. Being as you’re not getting better, I think it’s time for something else.”
“Like what?” Her eyes bulged out of her head, she felt him grab her, and the tickling began. She screamed, laughed and pleaded to try to get away from his fingers. By the time he stopped, she had tears of a different kind.
He smiled down at her, “That’s the first time I’ve heard you laugh in a long, long time. I like hearing that.”
Jamie frowned and looked away, “I’m sorry you’re ashamed of me.”
“Where in the world did you get the idea I was ashamed of you?” She started to choke up again, and he fussed at her, “Don’t start crying again.”
She shook her head, “All right,” and took a deep breath, “It’s my fault I got raped.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” Jamie stared at him in shock; her Daddy had never cussed at her before. “If I remember correctly, you were where you were supposed to be, doing what you were supposed to be doing. Exactly how is it your fault?”
“Well…ah…oh, I don’t know, it just is.”
“You’re so full of shit your eyes are brown.”
She gave him a half smile, “My eyes are blue.”
He smiled back, “That just means you’re a quart low.” Jamie started giggling. “I love to hear you do that.”
She got sad again, “Mom left because of me.”
“That is so much crap. Your mother and I were headed for splitting up long before anything happened to you, young lady.”
Jamie got a look of astonishment, “I didn’t know, you two never said anything.”
“The children are not usually consulted when the marriage is breaking down. Your mother didn’t leave because of you, she left because of me.”
Jamie watched her Daddy get up and go over to the dresser. He picked up her hairbrush; making her sit up, he sat back down on the bed behind her. She felt him start to brush her hair. She had never had a person do that, the last time she had actually gone to a beauty parlor, her beautician was a woman. It felt beautiful, and she started to relax immediately. They did not talk. She knew her Daddy was merely trying to make her feel better. Even if it did not actually help, it felt great. Not having been to the beauty parlor in years, she would have her Daddy help her cut off the split ends, and her hair was down to her waist. He had to make long strokes to brush it.
“Did mom let you do this to her?” She felt him stiffen, he never talked about her.
He let out a sigh, “Not really, I tried it once, but she felt it was strange,” then he whispered, “She thought I was strange.”
Jamie had closed her eyes and was thoroughly enjoying herself. She mumbled under her breath, “Mom was an idiot.” Her Daddy always tried to help; he never pushed or got mad, and was always gentle.” What her Daddy was doing made it impossible for her to cry, but that did not mean the hurt was not there, “I know she blamed me for what happened. She was disappointed in me when she found out I can’t have children.”
“Jamie, what did I get off of the dresser?”
“You got my hairbrush.”
“So it just minded its own business. It was where it was supposed to be, doing what it was supposed to be doing, and it had no control if I picked it up or not?”
“I’m brushing your hair with it, but if I beat it up and threw it across the room is it the brushes fault or mine?”
“It’s yours. Look, Daddy, I see what you’re getting at, and I know all of that, but I just can’t seem to stop thinking about it.” They sat in silence, him brushing her hair, her enjoying it. “Daddy, if everything you are saying is right, what did mom want that she didn’t have with us?
He put the brush down and reached around his daughter to hug her. He just held her, and buried his face in her hair, “She wanted a man.”
Jamie was bewildered because several things had happened at the same time.
Please purchase this story and support me as an author! Thank you! ~ Jezebel Rose
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