Ravaged by an 8 Armed Man, by Jezebel Rose
“Haoz stared at her for a moment, his tentacles wiggling just ever so. She leaned forward a little bit. He took that moment to part his tentacles and kiss her. His mouth was strange against hers but gave her basic details on how to show her passion. The kiss deepened as she was lost to him in that sweet moment.”
“I don’t do this.” She told her friend as the two of them held hands upon entering the building.
“It’ll be fine.” They comforted her, patting her on the back as the two of them got ID’d and went deeper into the club-like atmosphere. “Everyone here is clean or they aren’t allowed in. She can have anyone or anything. It’s simple.
“I don’t know.” She murmured, staring into the darker areas of the club as people were being wildly inappropriate in public. She looked back towards her friend. “I’m not this kind of person.”
“Try it once.” They led her further into the building where dancing lights, music, and all sorts of funny things were happening. She grew nervous. This was sort of sex club for exclusive people. her friend had gotten the two of her in here from the help of someone she didn’t know. There were all races, creatures, and types in here. It was like a buffet of sexually willing people. She started to get hot under the collar at the thought but decided it was best to keep a level head. They pulled her into a room full of patrons and patted her. “I’m going to leave her here. It’s time for her to grow wings and fly. You’ll do fine. You’re kinkier that you’d like to lead on.”
They disappeared into the crowd and left her looking. She squirmed a little bit before deciding to check the place out. It was cute. She liked the overall vibe of the place. She entered a room with glass-like walls that seemed to get foggy when she stepped behind them. The world was interesting enough before magic came into play but now it was just wondrous. The music continued to shake inside her chest as she stayed in the somewhat empty room. There were a couple of people in here doing lewd things. She could hear the noises. She pulled her dress down a little bit more to cover some skin as the noises got louder. She was blushing red all over. This was definitely something new to her. She stared at the wall in front of her as it changed colors. It went from soft pastels, blinding neons, and deep shades. It was awfully pretty in here. She felt like she was ruining the atmosphere with just being herself. She turned to leave the little glass room when a guy was leaning against the doorframe with a glass.
He was handsome to her. He wore an all-black suit with shiny shoes. He seemed to be of the eldritch race with an octopus-like head with tentacles hanging from the lower section of his face like a long beard. His hands had three fingers but the rest of him seemed somewhat human. He was the color of a freshly picked rose. She was startled for a brief moment. “Sorry, hope I wasn’t interrupting.”
Please purchase this story and support me as an author! Thank you! ~ Jezebel Rose
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