Ravaged by Wild Unicorns Remastered, by Jezebel Rose
Alone for the weekend with my boyfriend, we had a small cabin far in the Alps. It was beautiful, watching the sunrise each morning over the heavy fogged forest below our cabin. I wanted to go check it out, but my boyfriend was lazy. He wanted to sleep in on our last day here.
I awoke early this morning, early enough so that the sun was not even up yet. My boyfriend would likely still be asleep by the time I got back to the cabin. I went ahead and dressed up for the relatively cold morning. It was somewhere around freezing.
Walking outside, I saw the glistening forest around me. Everything was covered in ice as it had rained last night then froze. It was a paradise. My feet slipped a bit on the ground, but I was wearing good enough boots so that it was pretty quiet walking around.
I made my way down into the forest below the cabin via a small trail that lined the ridge. It went down deeper into the forest in a zigzag pattern down the steep hill. Eventually, I made it to the bottom, warm, comfortable, and excited to watch the fog lift off the ground.
Walking along the ground, I felt it was wet rather than iced over. It was slightly warmer down here, too, perhaps just above freezing. I smiled to myself as I looked across the absolutely beautiful forest. My heart was filled with warmth.
Please purchase this story and support me as an author! Thank you! ~ Jezebel Rose
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