Ritual Gang Rape, by Jezebel Rose
I pulled my shoelaces tight as I headed out for a morning run. Wearing my two-piece running outfit, it was perfect for the warm day. I planned to head down through the woods trail, then back up around the park, then into another path on the other side that would bring me back home. Generally, I ran for an hour before work every morning, but I had the day off, so I decided to explore. Never once had I ran through these woods, so this would be the first time.
Excited, I walked outside to the beautiful sun shining. I smiled to myself as I tensed my muscles and started to jog towards the end of the street where the path began. I saw the dense woods up ahead. Not like it was too dark or anything, but it was a little bit creepy.
I picked up speed and found the trail. Heading down into the forest, about twenty minutes in, I noticed a split in the path. This wasn’t something I was aware of. Not having my phone or a map on me, I decided to go with the heavier trodden trail. It turned to the left sharply, but it wasn’t too unusual as there was a steep slope to go down.
Heading down the trail further, I checked my watch as I ran. Fuck – I had been running nearly two hours. I should have hit the park by now. Thinking about where I could be in the forest, I realized either I took the wrong turn at the split, or the park would be just ahead.
I decided to continue for a bit further.
Picking up my pace again, I ran down the trail, sweating and realizing more and more that I should have taken the other path.
I heard sounds just ahead. It sounded like people talking or chattering of some sort. It was pretty far, but I could tell that now I was going in the right direction. I started walking for a bit, taking a break from the intense workout over several hours.
Breathing normally again, I picked my speed back up, going closer and closer to the talking. The closer I got, the more I realized that whoever was talking was not talking in English. It was more of a deep guttural variety of grunts and bass, feeling as if it were a bass drum.
Please purchase this story and support me as an author! Thank you! ~ Jezebel Rose
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