Sex Games, by Jezebel Rose
“Babe! Let’s get out the big chess set! And the wine. It’ll be an experience.” I rolled my eyes playfully but obeyed my gorgeous girlfriend and grabbed the cheap wine and the jumbo chess set. She’d bought this for me when she learned that I loved to play — loved to win. Now that she brought alcohol into the equation, this was going to make for an exciting game.
I began to set up the pieces, hers being white and mine the black when I heard Mikki’s voice coming from our room.
“Let’s maybe… spice things up a bit? How about, whenever one player puts the other in check, we remove an article of clothing? No, bracelets or anything of the sort do not count. What do you say?” My voice hitched in my throat and a familiar ache began between my thighs at the thought of seeing her beautiful breasts cupped perfectly in her lace bra and her panty clad pussy. That was enough motivation for me.
“I think that is a great idea. Ready to lose?” A sultry hint laced through my cocky tone. She turned her head to the side and offered me a challenging smile in return.
“Check.” I found myself saying the words almost right off the bat, but I wanted to see her nude body under the layers she had.
“Seriously? Already?” She sighed and made a show of putting her fists into the air. I stared at her expectantly, waiting to see what article she would remove.
“Fine, rules are rules.” Mikki gave a little smile and removed a pair of socks — of course, she hardly ever wore socks. She must be dressing up for the occasion.
“Seriously?” I said in mock anger. “I know you hardly ever wear socks, and you choose now? You filthy tease.” She stuck her deliciously pink tongue out at me and went back to make her move. Hair fell in her face while she was concentrating and I couldn’t help but admire her and simultaneously want to rip that sheer clothing off. I couldn’t look at her body without thinking of how my fingers would fill her pussy or how her nipples feel between her teeth. That aching feeling returned to my centre and I could begin to feel myself getting wet at those thoughts. I wondered if she was wet too, soaking through that cheap lace.
“Babe, it’s your turn.” Mikki’s voice brought me out of my fantasy and I looked up to meet her inviting brown eyes.
“Were you paying attention? Did you see where I moved to/what I moved?” My mind raced to the few thoughts I had mere seconds ago.
“Uhm, no not really.” I gave her what I thought to be a forgiving look.
“And why was that?” She leaned forward and pressed her breasts together with her arms which just about pushed them out of her shirt. I squinted my eyes at her and responded;
“You know why.”
“Maybe. Maybe I just want to hear you say how badly you want to fuck me.” She had a challenge in her voice that was both arousing and egging me on.
“I want to fuck you. I want to take you right here, right now. I want my hands between your thighs and I want my fingers in your pussy and you moaning my name.” She let out a gasp when she altogether took in my words. She understood what they meant and I knew she wanted it too, she always did.
I moved my knight into position, and slowly piece by piece I was making my way to putting her into check and hopefully check mate. I needed to see her naked.
“Check.” She rolled her eyes at me and removed her shirt, exposing her heaving breasts that were barely tamed by the lace cupping of her bra. My heart started to race and I could feel my pussy growing wet at the sight of her pale ivory skin. I wanted to place my mouth to hers and leave trails of kisses on her pulse points and I wanted to mark her mine.
“Babe, you are absolutely… breathtaking. How do you expect me to keep playing when you look like this.” Mikki gave me a soft, appreciative smile and tried her hand at diversionary tactics. She leaned real close over the board, nearly knocking over the strategically placed pieces.
“You know, you could always knock that king of yours over and come have your way with the queen.” Her offer was hard to resist, but she and I both knew that I wasn’t one to give up right away. Plus this form of delaying the inevitable gratification felt delicious, it was almost as good edging. I leaned closer to the board and with the same sultry tone I delivered my response:
“You wish.” She sighed and sat back to her side of the chess board, looking a bit defeated but also looking very, very horny.
The game was drawing to a close as I had taken a majority of her key players and she was left defenseless. How unfortunate that she was still dressed in her pants in our game of strip chess, and I was fully clothed. This needed to change, and quickly. My arousal had been building this whole game and I needed to feel the slick glide of my fingers into her pussy. With one swift move, I was able to corner her King and officially call checkmate.
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