Taking My Twin Daughter’s Virginity, Jezebel Rose
Each day, Pastor Lewis came home from church to his darling daughters and doting wife. This was the part of his day he looked forward to the most, as even as he came through the door, they were already lined up for him. Literally.
Stephanie sat on the floor beside the welcome mat, her hair braided in two plaits, both of which sat above her pale breasts. She was wearing her Sunday best, which consisted of a short plaid skirt, grey knee socks, and a patterned top that showed all of her arms. Her eyes were done lightly with make-up, and her cheeks were pink with blusher. She looked up at him adoringly as he walked in through the door, and said, ‘’Hello Daddy,’’ as he placed his hand in her hair and bent down to kiss her forehead. ‘’Did you have a good day at work?’’ She asked.
‘’As blessed a day as ever, my child.’’ Pastor Lewis answered, and then questioned, ‘’Have you been practicing your expressions whilst I’ve been out at work, making money for you and your sister?’’
‘’Yes Sir,’’ she said obediently, eager to show him, he could tell from her face.
‘’Well, show me?’’
His daughter nodded, then shuffled in her seat on the floor to get ready, and then looked up at him with the lewdest face imaginable. Her tongue came right out and sat on her chin, sloppy and wet. Her body keeled forward until her tits almost fell out of her dress, the pink of her nipples almost showing. And her eyes ran back towards the back of her skull. Without closing her mouth, she said, ‘’Will you use me tonight, now that I’m of legal age…?’’ Her voice droned a little as she licked excess spit away from her chin before it managed to touch the floor, a little ache to her tone: she’d been waiting to try her Daddy’s dick for so long. Up until now, she’d only been able to watch her mother have all the fun.
‘’Yes Stephanie. Now, shut up and be quiet,’’ he strongly advised. She closed her mouth obediently and fell silent, but continued to look up at him adoringly. Her face returned to being the picture of innocence as he moved onto his next daughter, Rosabelle.
Rosabelle was one of a kind, and that was both good and bad. She’d taken far more discipline than her sister growing up. All kinds of discipline, in fact. He’d tried to be physical with her, but that didn’t work: she enjoyed it too much, and it made her act out even more. So, then he started being sly. He realised she needed her phone, loved her phone, was neurotic about it: so, he started taking it away from her as soon as she turned sixteen to get her used to the idea. Now that she was of legal age, he planned to use the same trick to get her to follow his instructions to the letter.
She looked up at him with significantly darker eyes than her sister, Stephanie. Rosabelle liked to paint her eyes almost black. She wore an almost identical outfit to her sister, except with darker tints; and a little red to it. The only difference between them both was that Rosa had black hair, and Stephanie had blonde. Otherwise, same tits, same ass, same great, nubile body. They both looked ripe as they sat on their knees on the floor, hands fidgeting with their skirts, eyes up and on him for his next instruction.
‘’And how was your day, Rosabelle?’’ Pastor Lewis asked his other daughter.
‘’Fine.’’ She said curtly, her eyes never once leaving his own. Unhappy that she had to leave the couch to line-up every time she came home. She really was a brat.
‘’And did you practice your expressions?’’
She kissed her teeth and looked away, ‘’Yes.’’ She said, cross with him.
Without looking his way, she stuck out her tongue. She held it there against her chin for a long time, until he didn’t say anything, and then she blinked a little unsurely, because he hadn’t said anything. She was surprised when he took her by the jaw, and began kneading her cheekbones firmly between his fingers. His wedding ring glinting on his closed fist. She looked a little anxious.
‘’Wife, has this daughter been bad today?’’
Waiting obediently past his twin daughters was his stunning, middle-aged wife, Rosa. She was of Italian descent, and a complete slut. On their wedding night, because all good Christians only fuck when they get married, she’d taken off her wedding gown and revealed to him a near-perfect, voluptuous body. And as it turned out: Italian women were whores. They loved it any which way, especially up the ass. And luckily for him, so were the daughters of Italian sluts.
‘’Yes, Father: your daughters have been quite naughty. I recommend that you punish them for their… transgressions.’’ She said quite genially, her eyes however quite the opposite as she studied her daughters with utmost contempt.
Pastor Lewis knew his wife was jealous of his young, teen daughters: especially today. Today was the day he broke them both in, in a spectacular and utterly erotic fashion. Yes, he’d been waiting for this day for a very long time. And from the look of excitement on Stephanie’s face, and the apprehension on Rosabelle’s, so had his daughters.
With a gulp, Rosabelle asked, ‘’… you aren’t going to take away my phone, are you?’’
They’d moved into the living room. His wife had set the place up nicely. Candlelight. The game on T.V. ‘A’ beer. Everything in moderation.
Stephanie and Rosabelle were on the floor between his legs. He sat there with Rosabelle’s phone in his lap, the device switched off.
‘’Stephanie. I think your sister wants her phone back. Why don’t you tell her what she has to do to get it back?’’
‘’Whatever Daddy says.’’ Stephanie said cheekily to her twin sister, then smiled.
‘’That’s right. And what does that include?’’
‘’Everything Daddy.’’ Stephanie chirped.
‘’That’s right. Stephanie. Show me your tits.’’
‘’Yes Daddy.’’ She said without thinking. Stephanie immediately loosened the straps of her bra from her shoulders and let her dress-top fall beyond her waist. Sat upon her chest were two perfectly-formed, bountiful breasts. They were pale and full and had great big pink nipples sitting in the middle of them. She linked an arm below them to push them up a little, so they looked even better sitting there, pinchable and begging to be groped, and then placed a finger between her lips innocently. She was a good girl. ‘’Like this?’’ She peered at him for validation.
‘’Just like that. Now Rosabelle, why aren’t you emulating your sister? She’s clearly the pride and joy of our little familial unit. You should try to be more like her.’’ He reinforced.
With a sigh, and with his wife watching from the couch, Rosabelle slid off her top also. Her tits came free after a moment’s fussing, and they sat equally high and as perky as her twin sister’s. Together, they both sat there side by side, Rosa looking pouty and Stephanie arched-up and raring to go.
‘’When can I put it in my mouth, Daddy!?’’ Stephanie bounced, her tits doing great things.
‘’Hush now, Stephanie. When your Sister decides she can start smiling every once in a while.’’
Rosa picked up on this and glanced at him sharply. She then licked her lips and tongued her cheek, then put on her best smile: it was joyous and happy, and she switched into the role without a hitch. Now her and her sister were sat beaming up at him, although he knew Rosa didn’t really mean it, he had them both like putty in the palm of his hand, tits out and ready to go.
‘’Now then girls. We’re going to have a competition.’’
‘’A competition?’’ Rosa repeated, holding her smile.
‘’Oh, I love competitions!’’ Stephanie bounced again, this time grabbing her own tits, kneading them a little; fondling her own nipples excitedly, and gnawing on her lower-lip restlessly. She wanted dick, bad.
‘’Yes, you’re both going to come over and put your tits around my dick-…’’
Stephanie gasped, her eyes shining brightly with excitement.
‘’-And you’re both going to put a hand in the back of each other’s panties, and get each other off while you do it.’’
This time Rosabelle did the gasping, and she looked at her twin sister, in shock. The echoes of the smile on her face. ‘’I’m supposed to touch her?’’ She repeated, but apparently didn’t have anything against giving a titwank to her own father.
‘’Yes, you are: or no phone for the rest of the week.’’ He instilled.
Rosabelle clicked her tongue. ‘’Alright, fine. But I want my phone now. I’m not watching any of this.’’
Her sister did not share her lack of enthusiasm. Stephanie was already crawling towards him on all fours, unzipping his trousers, and taking out his flaccid dick. ‘’I’ll make you feel good Daddy, don’t worry.’’ She promised and smiled up at him dazzlingly. Then she quickly put him in her mouth and started sucking, meeting his eyes like she’d been trained to do, and he quickly started getting hard as her lips smacked against the veins of his rod.
When he was as stiff as a brick, Stephanie took him out and put him between both of her tits. He fit there perfectly, her hands clamping around him, sandwiching his shaft even further between her chest. ‘’Is it okay Daddy?’’ Her eyebrows knitted inwards, genuinely concerned that he might not be enjoying it. She looked precious, bouncing her tits on him like that, milking his cum slowly but surely with that doe-eyed expression on her face.
‘’It’s even better than I imagined, Stephanie. Don’t forget to smile.’’ He encouraged; and Stephanie beamed up at him, her eyes dreamy, worshipping her Priest of a Father. She’d do anything for him, unlike her stubborn sister, who was getting on his nerves. She was sat there, looking away and pouting.
Please purchase this story and support me as an author! Thank you! ~ Jezebel Rose
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