The Wedding, by Jezebel Rose
Jackson opened the mailbox. The sun was just peeking above the horizon while light fog rose from the ground around him. He was wearing a comfortable after shower gown from shoulder down. “Good morning Jackson,” he said to himself as he opened a letter addressed to him. Turning around, he walked back inside as he opened the letter;
To my Good Friend, Jackson.
Thank you for being there for me through high school. I would have never made it without you. This is an invitation to my wedding. Although you may not wish to show, and I understand, I would love for you to come.
Jackson was a bit taken back by the letter, still thinking about it while he made his morning coffee. Picking up the letter and re-reading it, he decided he would go and support her. He had a certain level of desire for her in high school- she was beautiful. Sitting down on the light grey living room couch, he sipped on his morning coffee reminiscing about Annabella’s slender frame, long dark golden hair and perfect ass.
Several weeks passed by with a blink of an eye, and with that, Jackson had a custom suit tailored to his liking. All black, with a slick black tie and white collar under. Looking in the mirror of the bathroom at the church, he swept his hair back, just a bit. Jackson took in a deep breath. He had passed the bride’s room earlier. Anna looked stunningly beautiful from what he saw, and quite different from high school.
“You are welcome to sit here with us,” an elderly woman said, motioning Jackson into a seat near the front.
“Isn’t this family seating?” Jackson replied.
The woman replied, “Why yes! The bride’s mother and father aren’t coming. I’m the grandmother.”
Jackson sat down next to the old woman just as the music started to play. Turning to his right, Jackson could see the groom walking down the aisle. The guy was a pretty big buy, someone who was obviously into some sort of body building exercises.
“That’s my son,” The elderly woman whispered excitedly. “It’s a shame the bride’s mom and dad won’t be here though. I saw them in the parking lot fighting with each other before they drove away. It’s hard to say Annabella even knows, yet.”
Jackson nodded as he watched the groom take his stand next to the altar. Within moments, the music changed to a classical violinist. A while veil across the main entry spread open. Jackson saw Annabella walk out. She had a big smile on her face, and a long white gown draped over her body and trailing behind her.
Taking a deep breath, Jackson noticed Annabella make eye contact with him for just a moment. It was enough to have him excited to see her finally happily married. He wished he had pursued her in high school though. She was drop dead gorgeous now.
Annabella walked down the aisle slowly. As she reached her fiancée, she took his hands in hers and locked eyes with him. She was excited to finally be with the man she had met only three months ago. With a quick wedding planned right away, Annabella was excited to begin her life anew with someone that loved her just as much as she loved him.
Jackson watched the service continue all throughout until the two were married. Following the crowd out of the building, he jumped into his car and went to the after-party. It wasn’t far, perhaps a mile. Jackson pulled up to the building and stepped out, seeing the bride and groom across the parking lot. It appeared as if they were fighting about something.
Not wanting to interrupt, but staying to see how it unfolds, Jackson casually leaned against his car and listened to the two fighting.
Annabella smacked her husband across the face, “how dare you! Are you fucking serious?”
The massive guy tensed his muscles in response – Jackson could see everything quite clearly. “I told you that your parents were NOT coming to this wedding!”
“FUCK, I thought you were joking! Seriously?! You gave my parents the WRONG TIME so they wouldn’t show up? Are you serious right now?”
Jackson continued to watch as Annabella saw several of the guests taking notice to her and her husband fighting.
“Let’s go talk somewhere private. This is fucking insane! On my wedding day! Supposedly the happiest time in my life!” Annabella took her newlywed husband by the hand and towards the building.
More interested in this fight than the after party, Jackson decided to follow the couple into a sectioned-off part of the building. It was quiet, and he could only hear the deep bass of the drums at the party through the walls.
“Kiss my fucking feet.”
Jackson listened to Annabella cursing at her husband.
“If you don’t kiss my feet right now, I swear to god I’m going to fucking leave you,” Annabella whispered to her husband, Garrett.
Garrett took a deep breath before going down to his knees. Being such a big muscular guy, he was used to being the alpha in the relationship. This was a side of his wife had never seen. Even through his three months of dating her, he had never seen this. Wanting to please his newly wed wife, he lowered his head to his wife’s feet. “I’m so sorry,” he replied, kissing her delicate feet.
“You should be, and since you absolutely humiliated me through the wedding, I’m going to do the same thing to you. We are NOT starting this new life together unbalanced.”
Garrett didn’t know what his wife was talking about, but he did not want to lose her. “Anything you want, my love.”
Annabella took in a deep breath before biting her lip. Something, then someone, crossed her mind. She knew exactly what she wanted. “You stay right here. Don’t you fucking dare leave, you’ve hurt me so much. Think about what you’ve done.”
Looking around the room, Annabella saw that it was about the size of a large bedroom, and surprisingly enough, had a long white couch with large black pillows lining the sides. “Perfect,” she whispered to herself just as she heard a sound from behind her.
“Hey, Anna,” Jackson replied. He was standing near the entrance to the room, but just outside. “I heard fighting, so I came to see what was going on.”
Annabella took his hand firmly before pulling him over in front of her newly wed husband. “Garrett, check out this guy. I knew him in high school – and guess what, now you are going to feel what I felt when I looked down at the crowd and my family wasn’t there to support me! That was because of you!”
Garrett hung his head, “I’m so sorry…”
“You will be, trust me, you will be,” Annabella said, looking down at the man in front of her. “Jackson, would you mind taking off my panties?”
Jackson nodded, his eyes wide. He couldn’t believe what was happening to him. “Anna, are you sure about this?”
Before Annabella had a chance to reply, Jackson was already halfway down. His hands ran over her soft dress, “I am sure… my fucking shitty husband absolutely humiliated me, so now it is time for me to do the same to him.”
“That… makes sense,” Jackson replied, looking down at Garrett hanging his head, kneeling on the ground before his wife. It was obvious the guy was extremely sorry, but Annabella was also quite obvious that this was going to go much further. Jackson couldn’t believe what was about to happen. Maneuvering himself under the bride’s dress, he looked up and saw the perfect ass he dreamed about in high school. Already he could feel his cock growing against his pants.
Please purchase this story and support me as an author! Thank you! ~ Jezebel Rose
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