Polyamory has received much criticism for having low values, and often misunderstood as a way to basically cheat on a partner and everyone be alright with it. We know this is a complete fabrication of reality and polyamory is much deeper than simply just sex. Polyamory has just as much, if not more, values than a more traditional monogamy relationship has. Lets look at the different values polyamorous groups have.

Asking if polyamory is for you or if maybe a different relationship style is for you is entirely up to…well, you. However, some insight into polyamory and all the different variances of polyamory can be helpful.

Today we will be answering the question; Is sex better with an emotional connection? Now, we can’t speak for other people, however, there have been studies done that show sex is indeed better with an emotional connection. Why? Lets talk about that, but first, let’s look at some statistics from www.self.com.

This a comprehensive first timer swingers guide. If you want to learn how, why, when, and where to meet people, give this a read!

Two fundamental parts of polyamory; honesty & communication. There is a unique dynamic between the two that allows for honesty to play off communication and the reverse to happen. Honesty is pointless without communication and communication is also pointless without honesty. The two together play a vital part of any relationship, including polyamorous relationships, which is what we will be focusing on today.

I feel a tap on my shoulder as I pretended to read my book, too nervous to actually comprehend the print in my hands.  I look up to to see you standing in front of me and it’s all I can do to not rip off your clothes right here, right now. Your piercing hazel eyes have me completely captivated and as I look down the length of your hard, lean body, my mind goes a little blurry. You reach out your hand to help me from my chair, “Jen, right? Hi. It’s nice to finally meet you.”

This is one of the first erotica short stories I ever published. Now, it’s free for you to enjoy! I’ve come so far thanks to my very much loved fans!

free erotica short stories jezebel rose

This is the continuation of the very first erotica story I ever wrote! Wow, it’s been so long since 2014!

Our break up advice today will cover how to break up with someone the right way, how to let them down easy without tormenting them…

This is a continuation of how to date as a polyamorous person online. I’ll help you navigate the very first thing on your path… finding someone!