Paradise Zoo 1 by Jezebel Rose, Free!

Paradise Zoo Series

Welcome to the Paradise Zoo Story Series! These girls are horny, fertile, and ready fuck an animal for the first time! First they will be impregnated through vigorous breeding, then comes pregnancy. After swelling to term, each will give birth to their own baby animal!

Paradise Zoo 1 Description

Emily finds herself caught in a whirlwind of pleasure when she goes to Paradise Zoo with her father. It doesn’t take Emily long to find her favorite animal – the Rhinoceros. However, when she learns the Zoo’s Black Rhino is going extinct, she is willing to do anything to help, even if it means mating with the animal and carrying its offspring!

Did you know a Rhino’s cock can reach upwards of 2.5 feet?


  • Bestiality-Rhinoceros
  • Realistic Rhinos Breeding
  • Anatomically Correct Rhinoceros
  • Female Impregnation
  • Creampie
  • Pregnancy
  • Birthing a Baby Rhino
  • Birthing Aftercare
  • Happily Ever After!
Paradise Zoo 1 by Jezebel Rose, Free! Jezebel Rose Free Erotica, Paradise Zoo Story 1 Cover Design

Paradise Zoo 1, by Jezebel Rose, Free!

“It’s okay, Emily,” Victor said to his daughter as he comforted her. “The snakes can’t hurt you.”

After a few minutes, Emily had calmed down and was ready to move on to the next exhibit. The next place was the monkey house. Emily was excited to see the monkeys because she loved animals. When she got inside, she saw the monkeys playing and swinging from tree to tree. Emily laughed as she watched them play. After a while, she became tired of walking, so her father took her to the next exhibit while sitting in a push cart.

The birdhouse came next. Emily was excited to see the birds because she loved animals. When she got inside, she saw the birds flying and singing. She laughed as she watched them play.

The next exhibit was the lion’s house. Emily was excited to see the lions because she loved animals. When she got inside, she saw the lions lying down and sleeping. She laughed as she watched them sleep and play. Many of the cubs were wrestling and play-fighting with each other.

While Emily and her father were heading out of the zoo to go home, Emily noticed one of the animals she hadn’t seen before. “Daddy, what’s a Rhino?” she asked.

“A rhino is a big, gray animal that lives in Africa,” her father explained. “They have two horns on their noses.”

“That one is really big,” Emily spoke, “see the black one?”

Victor watched his daughter sit inside the cart, looking at the enormous animals. “We need to head home; the zoo is closing soon.”

“Come on! Please! Let’s stay just a bit longer.”

“We are here,” a young, athletic man said. He stood just off the path towards the Rhino pen with a mop. “S-sorry,” he stuttered. “We are here all night long. If you want-t-t.”

Victor smiled at the young man with an apparent speech impediment. “We can head out now. I’d hate to be ‘that guy’ if you know what I mean.” Victor chuckled.

“I can let you see the black rhino up close-s-s.”

Emily beamed with excitement. “Really?” The handsome guy had to be about her age, lean and muscular, too. She bit the corner of her lip. It had been quite some time since anyone had asked her out. “Yes! I’d love to see them! Is this even allowed?”

“I’m Peter,” he said, reaching out his hand to greet Emily. “And… No. It’s against the rules, but you are cute, so I’ll make an exception.”

Emily stood from the cart and gently pushed up her large D-cup breasts. She had thick hips, and her long hair touched the top of her big ass. Overall, being on the college track team, Emily had an athletic body frame, tight and relatively average weight for her 5’10” height. Fortunately, she had her mother’s eyes and nose, which gave her an adorable face that anyone could find on the front of Miss California magazine last year. However, pageants were only a small portion of what she devoted her time into. She smiled then chirped to Peter, “I’m Emily!”

“Emily, you say?” Peter replied with a hint of a smile, his hand on the heavy steel door. “I love that name.” He opened the door, welcoming in the father and daughter couple. “Now, this is called Temmington Zoo, right? Well, at night, we like to call it Paradise Zoo.”

“Paradise Zoo?” Emily replied curiously.

“That’s right,” Peter said as he closed the door, leading them through the zoo. “At night, men and women come to have sex with the animals. It’s like their own little paradise.”

Emily’s eyes lit up as she looked around at the animals in their cages. She saw lions, tigers, bears, and even a giraffe fucking different women. Of course, some men were fucking the female animals as well. “Wow!” she exclaimed. “This is amazing!”

“I’m glad you like it,” Peter said. “Just be careful not to get too close to the cages unless you want to be bred. All of these animals that we have brought out tonight are extremely horny.”

Emily nodded and continued looking around at the animals breeding with humans, marveling at how different they looked at night. She even saw an elephant trying to fit his enormous cock inside a middle-aged blonde beauty’s ass.

“This is incredible,” she said to her father. “I can’t believe we get to see all of these animals!”

“I know,” her father said, smiling. “It’s like a little piece of paradise.”

As they continued walking through the zoo, Emily noticed that some of the animals looked a bit sad. “Why do some of the animals look so sad?” she asked Peter.

“Well, not all animals are meant to be in captivity,” he replied. “Some of them are only here because they were hurt and can’t go back into the wild.”

“That’s so sad,” Emily said, her heart going out to those animals.

“Yes, it is-s,” Peter said. “But we do our best to take care of them and give them the best-t life possible.”

As they walked, Emily saw a sign that said “Danger: Do Not Enter.” She pointed to it and asked, “What’s that?”

“Oh, that’s just the area where we keep the animals that are too dangerous for people to be around,” Peter explained. “We have to be very careful with them.”

“I see,” Emily said, her eyes wide. She was curious about those animals but also a little scared. “Is that the sound of a Rhino?”

Peter looked to the ground, “that’s Charlie. He’s a rare Black Rhino. We haven’t been able to find a partner for him to breed with. For some reason, he won’t take to just any partner-r-r.”

“Woah, is that the black one we saw earlier in the fields?” Victor questioned before looking down at his daughter.

“That was his mate, Tilly.” Peter replied,” she can walk around outside. However, until Charlie releases his backed-up sperm, he’s going to have to stay in his separate area.”

“Unfortunate…” Emily said. “Can I help him?”

Peter let out a burst of big chest-heaving laughter, “Oh, goodness! It’s hard to say. He’s never been with a human before. We’ve been trying to mate him, but it just won’t happen.”

“Hard to say?” Emily questioned. “If there is even a chance that I can help Charlie, please let me!”

Victor nodded, “I think my daughter is right. If she can help the Rhino, that’s all the better.”

“Let me check with management-t-t. I have a feeling they will be alright with letting you in there, especially because the Black Rhino is now an endangered species.” Peter held his phone to his ear, “Hey, it’s Peter.”

Emily looked up at the big sign and felt her heart beat faster. She waited for Peter to finish his conversation while she listened to her father’s warnings about the danger of these animals. More excited than anything, Emily held back her bursting smile when she saw Peter turn around.

“Boss said to go for it!” Peter shouted, “let’s get you in there!”

“Yes!” Emily cheered, giving Peter a high-five. Her long hair bounced when she jumped, as did her breasts. Emily could see the handsome blonde boy watching her, and she liked his eyes undressing her body.

“There we go – unlocked. Let’s go inside and see how Charlie is doing today.” Peter walked inside first, then shut the employee entrance behind them. He clicked on the powerful overhead lights, and the small field lit up. “There he is.”

The Black Rhino stood beside his water bucket, lapping.

“He’s almost 3,000 pounds. That’s pretty big for a Rhinoceros,” Peter said, glancing at Emily. “He has two horns on his head, you can see them from over here-” Peter put his hands on Emily’s waist and then moved her to the right. “See-e-e-e?”

“What’s that?” Emily questioned, pointing at the giant pink mass between the animal’s hind legs.

Charlie’s cock looked like an inverted mushroom and hung just above the ground. The shaft resembled a lightning bolt and was nearly three feet long, with thick heavy balls held tight near his anus. Snorting while drinking, Charlie paid no attention to his caregiver or the new scents that had entered his territory.

Peter glanced at Victor before returning his gaze to Emily. “That’s his dick,” he chuckled. “See how flat the front is-s-s?”

“I see it,” Emily replied.

“That will fill with blood and harden,” Peter stated. “Then, it’ll grow long and rigid just before he mates. The whole process is very entertaining to watch.”

“You watch?” Victor replied.

“Someone from the faculty will have to be here, just in case something goes wrong. You know – these are pretty big animals. They tend to act on instinct when they breed, and if things go too far, we are trained to calm them.” Peter walked to the cage door and then put his hand on one of the thick bars, “We can also facilitate the penetration process. I mean – how else will that fit inside your daughter?”

“That’s a good point,” Victor replied with his hand on his chin. “I suppose I don’t mind if you are here or not.”

“Please stay,” Emily said with a little smile, “you can teach me. And Dad, you can help me too.”

“Well,” Peter said, glancing between the two. “Alright-t-t!”

Emily beamed with excitement. “How do I go inside? And, what do I do?”

“First, take off your clothes.” Peter said, “Then I’ll get you inside with him.”

Victor began to help his daughter with her clothing. He removed her shirt and unclasped her bra, releasing Emily’s heavy, nubile breasts. Even though she was family, Victor felt his cock growing a chub. “Alright. There we go.”

The air was cool but not chilly. Emily stood in front of the two men, naked. She could feel her nude breasts against the air and her pussy bare before the guys. Sensing herself blush, Emily walked to the cage. Looking inside, she watched the enormous animal saunter around. With each step, she felt the ground shake. Never once had Emily seen such an animal.

“I’m going to unlock the entrance now, and you can go inside. We will be over here in case anything goes wrong-g.” Peter said with a smile.

Victor watched as his daughter walked to the door, waiting to enter. He couldn’t believe what Emily was doing, but then again, he did put her into this position. The advertisement online felt too good to be true when he saw it – and he knew how much his daughter loved animals, so he just had to take her to Paradise Zoo.

Emily felt like she was in a dream as she walked into the cage. She couldn’t believe that she was standing in front of a Rhino. It was something that she had always dreamed of but never thought would happen.

The Black Rhino approached her cautiously, sniffing her with its snout. Then, after a few moments, it seemed to realize that she posed no threat and returned to its feeding.

Emily stood there for a few minutes, just watching the magnificent animal. She was in awe of its size and strength. Even though it was calm at the moment, she could see the power that it held.

Looking over the Black Rhino, she could see his leathery dark skin, which was covered in mud. His large horn protruded from his forehead, and he had a long tail.

He was an impressive sight.

Emily watched the Black Rhino, eager to see what it would do if she touched it.

Slowly, she reached out her hand and placed it on the animal’s side. It was warm to the touch and felt tough, like armor.

The Black Rhino didn’t move, so Emily started to stroke its side. She felt a sense of calm come over her as she petted the animal.

She was in a state of complete peace, smiling to herself and feeling the warmth under her hand. The heartbeat of the absolute unit of the Rhino used to scare her, but no longer. Charlie was her friend.

When Emily had first arrived at the zoo, she had been wary of him. He was so large and intimidating, and she wasn’t sure if he would hurt her. But now, after spending a little time with him, she knew that the Rhino would never hurt her. Instead, he was gentle and kind and loved to scratches behind the ears.

Now, as she sat in his enclosure, she felt completely at ease. She was surrounded by the animal, its enormous body blocking out the rest of the world. It felt like they were the only two creatures in existence, and she was content to sit with him forever.

However, Emily felt Charlie stand, then began to walk around the cage, dropping feces and marking its territory. It peed relentlessly, with enough force to knock a grown man to the ground. Then, after bucking its head repeatedly and wandering around nonsensically, it went towards Emily.

“That’s just their normal breeding behavior! Don’t be stressed!” Peter shouted from across the room. He and Victor watched, eager to see the exotic animal fuck. Then, lowering his voice, he spoke to Victor. “Your daughter will be perfectly fine. She’s of age, right-t-t-t?”

“Well, I’m not sure how ‘of age’ you mean for bestiality – it’s pretty taboo. I like to think that anyone able to make up their own mind about sex is able to make up their own mind about animal fucking. So, eighteen.” Victor replied, “But, Emily is nineteen. Twenty here in a few days.”

“She looks younger,” Peter said, watching the Rhino’s cock elongate. The flat head now had a thick mushroom tip emerging from the sheath. “Rhino’s have some of the biggest land mammal dicks in the world. It’s fascinating to watch them copulate with humans.”

Victor nodded. He saw his daughter’s bare pussy in position underneath the animal. Part of him wanted to get Emily out of there, but he knew that she had loved Rhinos for as long as he could remember, and this would be a once-in-a-lifetime experience she would never forget. “How in god’s name does it fit?”

Peter laughed. “I could say just watch, but I’ll tell you – it’s like a woman’s vagina when it gives birth. They stretch far more than one might think. You’ll be surprised how well these do at breeding, especially the more giant mammals like this one. -there, look, see her pussy starting to stretch-ch-ch?”

“That’s amazing,” Victor said. He felt his cock thicken and throb against his pants while hearing his daughter groaning. Seeing her push back against the animal’s dick had him even harder.

Emily felt sweat forming on her forehead despite the relatively cool room. She could also feel the Rhino bucking his cock against her pussy, thrusting with such force she moved on the ground. Grunting, Emily felt immense pleasure while he slowly pushed himself inside, stretching her vagina. Even though the tip was smaller, she knew it would be tricky to penetrate further. Looking back, she saw Charlie still had another two feet and more. His veins were throbbing, each the size of her pinky finger. It was almost the width of half her body and tightened with even further length.

Victor watched his daughter from a distance with Peter. “Do you think we could get up close?” Victor questioned, his eyes glued to his daughter. He wanted to see Emily’s reactions more than anything.

“Sure,” Peter replied. He eagerly unlocked the cage and then stepped inside. Motioning for Victor to follow, he then locked it behind them. “Just don’t make any noise, and stay on this side, downwind. Ideally he will pay us no attention-n-n.”

Both Victor and Peter walked across the sandy grounds over some smaller rocks. They could clearly see and hear the young woman moaning, enjoying herself to the pleasures the Rhino was giving her.

“Let’s stop here,” Peter said. “Any closer, and we’ll disturb the mating.” He was perhaps twenty feet from Emily. Sitting on the rocky ground, he crossed his legs and relaxed. Emily had to be the most attractive of the girls he had seen. Her personality made his cock hard while he watched her pussy splay for the Rhino. Part of him wished he could swap places with the animal.

Hot with ecstasy, Emily couldn’t believe how much pleasure the Rhino was giving her, especially when it seemingly began to penetrate and buck against her pussy. Even though it hurt, the pleasure far outweighed the pain and overshadowed it entirely. Pushing back on the animal, Emily felt the cock going further inside, stretching her to nearly the size of her own head. “Oh… god… it feels so good!” She looked over at her father and smiled, her body shaking on the ground. Then, straining, she took Charlie even further.

The animal thrust his muscular hips, immediately sending his rear section into the woman. Charlie’s dick was shaped like lightning, making every angle even more challenging to get inside the human’s vagina. However, the Rhino was horny and desperate to get off inside his mate, but first, he had to lock himself inside. Hurling his hind against the woman again, he finally broke through, feeling his balls smack against her underside. As he had done in the wild, Charlie bucked into his mate repeatedly in an attempt to release sperm and impregnate her.

Emily loved the feeling of the strangely shaped cock inside her pussy, and couldn’t believe the immense amount of pleasure the stretching was bringing. With ecstasy racing across her skin, she felt Charlie hammering his dick inside her pussy. He pushed and pulled with his dick but never removed it – Emily loved the tugging feeling. Moaning, she could feel pleasure rushing throughout her body and leaving her hot, sweaty, and at the bottom of her mountain of a climax. Emily knew it was coming and could feel the animal repeatedly thrusting, expediting the process. “I’m going to cum so hard,” she said, hardly able to formulate a sentence.

Ecstasy hit Emily like a tsunami, wrecking and destroying everything in its path. She could feel it racing up into her chest, leaving behind sensations of increasing pleasure. Emily knew something felt wrong but didn’t know what it was or how to figure it out. Her mind felt the envelope of that same pleasure. “Oh, god!! Emily hollered, realizing how hard she was cumming.

Emily felt herself sitting beside an ocean, watching the waves come in. Despite this being her dream come true, Emily saw those waves grow to enormous proportions, then smack upon the shores. Again, she was hit until she was swept under the current with pleasure, both embracing the ecstasy and cumming repeatedly. Moaning loudly, she felt her body tingle with sensations she hadn’t ever felt.

Emily felt her body spasm in pleasure. Even though her body was cold against the metallic flooring, she could help but continue to orgasm. Again it hit her, ecstasy emanating from between her legs and upper belly. “Oh, god!” Emily screamed. She suddenly felt another wave of pleasure hit her all at once. She felt like the orgasm destroyed her while it continued to surge with overwhelming force. “Jesus,” Emily moaned, her eyes closing to the sheer ecstasy.

As much as Emily tried, she couldn’t stand against the waves. Overwhelmed by waves thousands of times her strength, Emily felt as if she were a speck of sand on the shore. Then, finally, Emily came into reality, feeling herself squirt and cum on the floor, releasing more fluids than she thought possible. Clutching her stomach, Emily heaved forward, still cumming. She could feel her pussy dripping cum in front of her father and Peter, making her even more embarrassed. Emily’s face immediately turned bright red, even though the Rhino continued to thrust into her swollen pussy.

Emily jerked forward with such intensity that she felt the animal’s dick pound through her cervix and bring about pleasures she never had once felt. She could feel the animal’s dick pulling at her insides with each thrust. The oddly shaped cock never left her pussy, but continued to tug at her vaginal walls. Insurmountable ecstasy raced across her skin, bringing her orgasm to the point of squirting. Emily felt her pussy quiver, and then his cock rivet, heightening her unparalleled orgasm.

“Jesus,” Emily groaned. She could feel sweat dripping down her face while her body shook during her climax. Emily looked between her legs and saw the enormous animal’s dick stuck inside her cut, jerking itself inside with each thousand-pound thrust. Grunting, she felt the animal’s dick lengthen, then begin to pump thick loads of cum.

When the Rhino came, Emily felt held to the ground with incredible force. The intense firehose of cum shot into her pussy, immediately filling her and spurting out from around the animal’s dick. She could feel him repeatedly swelling, cumming inside of her womb.

Even though Emily was unaware, she was becoming pregnant at that very moment. The animal’s sperm shot towards her human egg and then penetrated it, fertilizing and starting the process. With her entire vaginal canal filled to the brim with cum, it continued to squirt out from her pussy with each heavy thrust from the Rhino.

Finally, the Rhino pulled his dick out, then walked away as if nothing had happened. However, he could smell his impregnated mate, and his instinct told him to stop.

Victor and Peter helped Emily to her feet. “Are you okay?” Victor questioned his daughter, eager to know how she was doing and what she thought about the experience. All three walked out of the cage before Peter closed and locked the door behind them.

“That was the best!” Emily exclaimed, exhausted. “I want to go on that ride again sometime.” She giggled through her tears of pleasure.

Peter chuckled, “Anytime you like, sweetheart. Paradise Zoo is open every night during the week. You just have to stay after closing and enjoy yourself to the variety of animals this place has to offer.”

“Wait a second,” Victor said. “Is Emily going to get pregnant from this ordeal? Or is that not possible?”

Peter nodded, “That’s a fair question. Yes, your daughter has a chance of getting pregnant. We offer full coverage in case of pregnancy, with the stipulation that the zoo receives all offspring.”

“That’s disgusting,” Victor replied. “…what comes out?”

“Just animals.”

“Seriously? They aren’t deformed?”

Peter smiled, “That’s correct. So many of our animals here are birthed from humans – otherwise, we wouldn’t have many of the more exotic, nearly extinct species. We’ve been adopting the babies that are birthed after the pregnancy, and honestly, if you want to avoid media attention, your daughter can give birth in our medical facility. We are equipped, and have done numorous human-animal deliveries successfully.”

“Will she live? I mean, there has to be more complications, right?” Victor looked down at the pushcart and saw his daughter sitting inside. He could hear her soft snoring.

“Surpringly, no.” Peter smiled. “There are fewer, actually. The human body is more capable of birthing animals than their own species.”

“That blows my mind,” Victor replied. “I suppose we will be back in what – nine months?”

Peter quickly pulled out his phone from his jeans. “Let me check… Okay. Let’s do a check-up here in six months. Then we will plan to deliver the offspring sometime next year, perhaps fifteen to sixteen months.”

“Jesus, that’s a long pregnancy.” Victor glanced down at his daughter.

“Well, yeah.” Peter put his hand on Victor’s shoulder. “Some animals need a longer gestation time, some shorter. Humans are pretty much smack dab in the middle of pregnancy lengths, surprisingly.”

Victor nodded, “Alright my man. Can I get your number in case something goes wrong?”

“Sure,” Peter said. He put his number into Victor’s phone. “Feel free to give me a ring if anything comes up, or if Emily wants to …hang out or something.” Peter blushed.

Victor nodded. The boy was a good catch for his daughter. “Great, I’ll let you know. Worst case, we’ll see you around the zoo. We enjoy coming here during the different seasons.”


Emily awoke, then went to the bathroom and heaved. She felt her face flush with her stomach in knots. It had been three months since she had been to the zoo, and now she was sick. Knowing her father wasn’t ill, Emily wondered if she was somehow pregnant. Then, after a quick Google search, she realized she had to be. All the symptoms lined up. She was going to have a baby.

Emily’s first thought was to tell her father, but she quickly realized that he would be disappointed in her. He had always wanted her to wait until she was married to have children, and now she was barely out of high school. She knew he would be upset, so she decided to keep it a secret for now.

The next few months were a blur as Emily tried to juggle her pregnancy with her schoolwork. She was constantly exhausted, but she managed to graduate on time. A few weeks after graduation, Emily could no longer hide her growing stomach. She told her father the truth and, to her surprise, he was ecstatic. He welcomed his grandchild with open arms and vowed to support Emily in whatever she decided to do.

Emily kept the baby and continued the pregnancy. Each day her belly swelled larger and larger until she was bedridden. Finally, after nine months, Emily’s belly was nearly the size of her own body. She loved the sensations of the animal moving around inside of her and couldn’t wait to see the baby that came out.

On the day of the birth, Emily was in agony. She quickly had Victor call the zoo to prepare a bed. Even though her body hurt desperately, Emily was bursting with anticipation. Her adrenaline nearly outweighed the pain.

Her father took her to the zoo’s hospital, and even though he couldn’t carry his heavy daughter, he helped her into a wheelchair when they arrived. Then, stepping back, he watched as a group of men in white lab coats surrounded and took his daughter. Biting the corner of his lip in nervousness, he felt his heart beat faster.

Emily waved to her dad just as she turned around the corner. She could feel the animal moving inside her belly and knew it wouldn’t be long now. After what seemed like forever, she was finally in a delivery room.

The doctor told her to push, and so she did. She pushed with all her might, but her pussy didn’t seem big enough. Finally, the doctor said that the baby’s head was too big and that she needed to push even harder. So she did, gritting her teeth in pain. She pushed again but only felt searing pain from between her legs. Emily wanted to give up, but she knew she had to keep going for the sake of her child.

“You can do it,” a female doctor said from between Emily’s legs. “I can see the head. Give me another push. One, two, three – push!”

Emily took a deep breath and pushed as hard as she could. She screamed in pain, going again and again. “I’m trying!” The incredible pain had Emily in tears.

“Another strong push,” the doctor said. “I can see more of the Rhinoceros’s body now. You’re doing great! Keep going!!”

She first heard a loud cry, followed by the sound of suction as the mucus was cleared from the baby’s nose and mouth. Then, she saw her baby for the first time. He was perfect – wrinkled and dark black and beautiful. She couldn’t believe that she had created this little animal.

After a few minutes of rest, it was time to deliver the placenta. The doctor instructed her to push once more, and with one final push, it was out. She felt a sense of relief, and then she was done. It was over. She had done it.

Emily looked down at the baby rhinoceros. “Can I hold him?” She questioned, drenched in sweat from the intense birthing. The baby had been born healthy and was now held by a nurse clearing his nose.

“Of course.” The doctor smiled, handing the baby over.

Emily cradled the little Rhino close, feeling overwhelming love and pride.

Emily and her baby were checked over and given a clean bill of health. They were then able to spend some precious time bonding with each other before being released. With enough convincing, Emily could take the baby Black Rhino with her, so long as she brings it back the following day to be with Charlie.

With a smile and a baby in her arms, Emily walked out of the hospital, thankful that everything had gone smoothly. She’d been a little apprehensive about giving birth, but now that it was all over, she couldn’t believe how easy it had been.

Emily went home with her father. She rocked the animal while watching her father build an indoor playpen with sand, rocks, and a tiny watering hole. It was the perfect place for her new baby to play and explore. With a big grin, she placed the rhinoceros into the pen and watched as it immediately began investigating its new home.

Emily’s father had been a great help during the pregnancy, but now that the baby was here, she was looking forward to having some time to bond with her new baby. She was also excited to start her new life as a mother and see what the future held for her little family!

Copyright, 2024 Jezebel Rose


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