I Banged Your Girlfriend, by Jezebel Rose
The day was over, and I was on my way to the local park. I’d just had enough time to get showered and remove the last remnants of work away from me. We noticed each other before, beginning with a friend spotting her staring across the room at me. From there, I couldn’t avoid looking across at her.
Her bleached highlights that needed touching up, the flowing dress and denim jacket, and the dirty smile she would give me while seeming to look into my head and see the thoughts of what I’d like to do with her. With neither her nor I exchanging a word. This carried on with prolonged glances across the bar. I would have been quite happy with the situation staying like that, but she had other ideas.
The evening before our meeting at the local park, she approached me for the first time. I was picking out some music to play while my friend and I played pool. Like the saying would go, paintings decorate walls, music decorates time. She started chatting to me while I picked the selection out. I introduced myself, and she told me her name was Vicki. The conversation was brief, which I didn’t think about at the time, but the reasons would become apparent after we met. She asked me if I knew the local park at all and described the exact place she would meet me if I’d like to get to know her better. I agreed to meet her at seven the next evening.
The sun was high in the sky, and it was a warm evening. The walk to the park was a quiet one, and I hadn’t seen many people. I remember thinking to myself how nice it was and had planned maybe a walk to get to know Vicki a little better. There she sat on the bench she’d described. She was wearing skin-tight blue jeans, the same denim jacket I always saw her in, and a loose-fitting shirt that exposed her cleavage. Her hair was tied loosely, and she was staring into the park, quite happy it seemed with her own company. I called over to her, and she waved to me. I approached her and took a seat next to her on the bench.
“It looks like this is the only bench here,” I commented, trying to make a little small-talk. I felt I was failing.
“How do you mean?” She enquired, possibly wondering where I was going with the conversation. At that point, so was I.
I nodded towards several other benches that I had passed on the way to her. One had been burned until only four metal brackets remained. The other looked like a car had over driven it.
“Now I see. Yes, not many places to sit.” She replied.
Before I could start giving any commentary on the youth of the day, my mouth was silenced. She leaned into me and kissed me passionately, filling my mouth with her tongue, and her hands gripped my t-shirt, pulling me into her.
Please purchase this story and support me as an author! Thank you! ~ Jezebel Rose
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