Slave to Alien Creature Overlord, by Jezebel Rose
Callie was lost. The kind of lost that resulted in being kidnapped by disfigured hill people—possibly an ax-wielding, psychotic truck driver. Callie’s overactive imagination always kicks into high gear when she was alone or in a situation that made her feel anxious—being lost contributed to both.
She pulled over to the side of the two-lane highway, cut the engine, flipped on her hazards, and tried to access the map function on her phone. Of course, it didn’t work. There was no service, and it wouldn’t be for several miles. Thankfully, her dad taught her to read maps, and she kept an atlas under the passenger seat at her dad’s insistence. She flipped to the page in the massive book that of the state she was in. Naturally, the back road her navigation feature took her to wasn’t included on the map. Only major freeways and streets, which didn’t help her one damn bit.
Cursing, Callie turned the key in the ignition. The car didn’t start. A sense of dread washed over her. She pumped the gas and tried again, nothing. The dome light wouldn’t even turn on. How did her battery manage to drain in the five minutes she was on the side of the road? She maintained the car, so there was no reason for it to malfunction, especially not on the side of a deserted freaking backcountry road.
In the distance, a resounding boom shook her from her terrified stupor. Summer storms weren’t uncommon, but there wasn’t a cloud in sight. She looked at the clock on her phone and knew that even if the storm didn’t hit, she would lose sunlight in less than an hour.
A bright, white, and blinding light flashed in front of her, causing Callie to see black spots for several moments. When her vision cleared, she could see two ominous and imposing figures walking toward her. She hadn’t seen another vehicle in over an hour. Where the hell did they come from? They, whoever they were, strode toward her with the kind of confidence that said they feared nothing, not even a car barreling toward them if she had been able to get it started.
As they drew nearer, Callie made sure the doors were locked. In the fading light caused by roiling clouds, Callie could see some of their features as they approached. They were freakishly tall, seven and a half feet minimum. Their arms and legs were longer than they should be. Their heads larger, their faces more elongated, and they had eyes the size of her fists. Light reflected off their eyes. Were those the freakish hill people she’d worried herself over earlier? Had she somehow managed to conjure them from her imagination?
Callie scrambled to the middle of the car, wanting to be as far away from the windows as possible. A moment later, they positioned themselves on either side of the car. They stood there a moment, and all she could see were their long, muscular torsos. When realization struck, Callie screamed.
Those weren’t the midsections of two humans. They wore no shirts, and their skin was dark blue. Where a human might have a six-pack, they had what appeared to be layers of gills. Their chests did not move with an inhale or exhale. The gills seemed to be doing the breathing for them.
The one on the driver’s side placed its long fingers on the window, and the tips seemed to melt against it—her heart pound against her ribs. Callie could hear the blood racing through her veins. She watched in horror as the dark blue slime moved back and forth along the window as if it were trying to find a way in.
The glass shattered, and Callie screamed as she dove into the back. The passenger’s side window broke, and the monster stuck its long, scaly arm through in an attempt to grab her. Shrinking down onto the floor, Callie pulled her knees against her chest and rolled into a ball. It was stupid, but she closed her eyes. Somehow, not seeing the flailing arm with suction cups on its fingers was less frightening.
The sound of the doors unlocking made Callie cry hysterically and beg those, whatever they were, to leave. They didn’t. The back door flung open, and something took hold of her hair, using it to rip her from the car. Pain shot through her skull, and she swore while clawing at the cool, scaly skin of her attacker. Once she was out, it hoisted her off the ground and cradled her in its arms.
Another blinding light flashed in front of her. Callie felt like her body was weightless and made the mistake of opening her eyes to see that they had left the ground. The white light surrounded the three of them as they ascended into a large, silver—spaceship!
Inside, the lights along with the stark-white walls threatened to blind her. Hissing, Callie slammed her lids shut and squeezed them as tight as she could.
When they stopped moving, Callie was tossed into a metal chair. The air left her lungs with a violent whoosh. It took her several sharp inhales to get oxygen back into them. When she could breathe again, pain shot up her spine, all the way to the base of her skull.
“Fuck! Do you have to be so vicious?”
She leaned forward enough to rub the small of her spine, though it did nothing to ease the pain.
Callie took in her surroundings. She sat on the only chair in the room. There were alien glyphs displayed on a massive monitor attached to the wall behind the things that abducted her. The two spoke in a language she’d never heard and didn’t dare attempt to comprehend. There was a calculated coldness to their demeanor that told her whatever they discussed likely involved the kind of alien experimentation she’d read about in the tabloids. The way they looked at her with too large, unblinking, and uncaring eyes spoke volumes. Whatever they planned to do would hurt. She would scream, fight, and cry, but it wouldn’t phase them one bit.
“Please,” Callie begged softly. “Let me go. I swear I’m no use to you.”
The alien on the left said something while looking directly at her, but there was no way for her to comprehend. It had a masculine voice, with chest vibrating baritones. The only way she’d known they were words was because it was the same way he’d spoken to the other, mostly quiet one to her right. It hadn’t spoken loud enough for her to know if it was male or female. If aliens even had genders. From the waist down, they wore flowy, loose-fitting white pants. She’d always been able to tell whether or not a man had a decent-sized dick by looking at their crotch, even through jeans. On those two, she couldn’t see anything. The only identifier was the deepness of its voice.
“I don’t know what you are saying!” She replied in frustration.
The alien on the right moved to a table, opened a drawer, and pulled out a tiny, silver circle. It approached swiftly, causing her to flinch. It took hold of her hair and jerked it to the side with enough force to yank several strands from her head. Callie cried out and immediately felt the cool, silver disk press against the skin behind her ear. When the alien stepped back, she realized it must have stuck.
“You have nothing to fear, small human female. No harm will come to you.”
It didn’t take a rocket scientist to know whatever device attached behind her ear was some sort of translator. Callie supposed she should be thankful that the language barrier no longer existed and that she wouldn’t be hurt. Instead of being grateful, Callie was terrified. Harm to them might be vastly different from the type of pain humans felt.
“What do you want with me?”
“We want nothing.”
Callie breathed a sigh of relief too soon because the other alien, now identified as male-sounding, spoke.
“Our leader wishes to copulate with a female from your planet. Circumstance brought you to us.”
“What the fuck does that mean? Not the copulate part. I get that, which is a staunch no from me, by the way. What circumstance are you talking about?”
Neither answered. Instead, she was lifted from her chair and dragged toward a door. It opened when they got close, and she was shoved inside. Callie fell to the floor. Sharp pain once again shot through her knees and palms. The door closed, and she was left in darkness and silence.
Callie stood up, her knees trembling from pain and fear. Her heart hadn’t slowed down since the whole encounter begun, and she couldn’t believe it hadn’t caused a heart attack. It was so cold in the room that she began to shiver as goose-pimples rose on her arms. It didn’t take long for her teeth to clatter so hard against one another. She was sure she would chip them.
A loud, whooshing sound filled the room. Air swirled about violently. Something tugged at her clothes, and an instant later, her clothes ripped from her body. Callie screamed, covering herself as best she could, the too-cold air now accosting her nipples and pussy.
It was too dark to see where her clothes were, but that didn’t stop her from getting on all fours to crawl on the ground and search from them. The floor was not smooth, and the metal dug into her knees and shins. More pain shot through her, but Callie continued to search.
The sound of the door opening, footsteps entering the room, and then the door closing gave her pause. Callie hoped it was too dark to be seen. She froze and, although she was terrified, managed to keep her breaths quiet and under control.
Please purchase this story and support me as an author! Thank you! ~ Jezebel Rose
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