Willing Prey, by Jezebel Rose
Riley’s trousers came off next, followed swiftly by her undergarments, leaving her naked and horny and needy on the forest floor. The creature’s head lingered near her pussy, the mere sight causing Riley to breathe hard.
Riley held her cloak tightly around her as she crept through the gloomy forest. She moved quietly and carefully, staring into the dense vegetation. She was sure she could hear rustling above her and was equally sure she was being followed. And Riley was no less sure as to what the thing that was following her would be.
An apex predator stalked this forest – a predator that Riley had encountered just once before. It was a predator with eight legs and wicked fangs and eggs to be laid. It was a predator with a near-endless supply of sticky, ensnaring silk.
Riley smiled and licked her lips. She imagined Krokan – for that was the predator’s name – scuttling unseen amongst the trees above. She imagined Krokan watching her every move, waiting for the perfect moment to ambush and strike.
“Hey!” Riley called out. “You up there?”
Nothing; not a sound. Riley waited for just a moment longer, then continued on her way.
Riley soon found what she was looking for: an enormous web build between two tall trees. It was difficult to see in the faint light, and Riley would surely have walked into it the last time around. But Riley was ready for such things now. She slumped her shoulders and strolled on over.
She removed her leather pack and placed it on the ground – and with it, her bow and her quiver of arrows. Then, she reached down to her belt and unclipped her sheathed knife. This, too, she tossed aside, leaving herself truly unarmed. Finally, she allowed her cloak to fall off around her, revealing the snug-fitting tunic and trousers she wore beneath.
For a moment, Riley stood still, swinging her arms and wondering if Krokan would make her presence known. But when Krokan failed to appear, Riley made her move: she turned around and jumped back onto the web with her arms outstretched. It stuck to her clothes immediately, trapping her spread-eagled onto the silk.
Riley bit her lip. “Oops,” she said quietly. “How careless of me.”
And right away, Riley saw her: an eight-legged monstrosity, descending silently on a single strand. The creature set herself down on the soft ground and then eagerly scuttled Riley’s way, her hard chitinous limbs clicking against the forest floor.
“We meet again, my little human,” Krokan said, her large arachnid head tilting to one side. Her voice was feminine and whispery and utterly inhuman.
Riley relaxed into the web. “Hello, Krokan.” She smiled easily, looking straight into the creature’s many eyes.
The creature climbed onto the web and stood over the bound body. “I was watching you, just then,” the creature said. She stroked gently through Riley’s hair with a clawed pedipalp. “You jumped onto the web. You wanted to be caught.”
Riley swallowed and nodded her head. “I did.”
“So you have decided?” the creature asked. “You want to feel it? My venom? My eggs?”
Riley’s heart began to thump in her chest. Was she about to agree to this? Was she ready for Krokan to-?
She closed her eyes, took two deep breaths. And when she opened her eyes again, she knew what her answer would be.
“Yes. Do it. Please,’ Riley said.
Riley had heard so much about this venom. An alchemist would have paid handsome amounts of coin for even the smallest amount – enough coin that Riley had been willing to risk everything to obtain it.
Riley closed her eyes, sighing contently at the memory of her previous encounter with this wonderful beast. It had started with her venturing forth, bow in hand, to hunt the beast down. It had ended with Riley wrapped firmly in a silken cocoon, gazing up at the stars with Krokan above the forest canopy, the creature tenderly stroking her hair.
And now, Krokan’s mouth-parts were open, ready to bite down, ready to send that venom right into Riley’s veins. Riley turned her head and bared her neck and then kept utterly still.
Krokan bit her, and Riley felt a brief flash of pain – a flash that promptly faded as Krokan’s venom took hold.
It started as a slight tingling. It centered on Riley’s neck at first but then quickly spread over her entire body, a pleasant tingling warmth that served to relax her limbs and sap their strength.
Already, she could feel herself becoming aroused, just as she’d known the venom would do. She could feel her pussy moistening rapidly, and Riley would have happily touched herself there and then. But the web trapped her, forcing her to stay horny and ready.
“Do you feel it?” Krokan asked, brushing lightly at Riley’s cheek.
Riley worked her mouth. “Yes…yesssss…”
Krokan hissed softly, gliding her mouth-parts over Riley’s lips. “And this is just a tiny amount. I can give you more. So much more.”
A tiny moan escaped past Riley’s throat.
And then, the spider went to work, her saliva loosening the web’s grip. Soon afterward, Riley found herself firmly in Krokan’s grasp, embraced in a multitude of Krokan’s limbs. The creature carried her from the web and then lowered her to the forest floor.
Riley didn’t struggle and knew she could barely have struggled had she tried. And once Krokan put her down, Riley lay on her back, waiting for whatever was to come.
“Lie still,” Krokan ordered.
Riley’s pussy twitched at the creature’s tone.
The creature maneuvered Riley’s arms above her and carefully unbuckled her belt. Then, the creature took hold of Riley’s tunic and pulled it slowly over her head.
Soon, Riley was bare from the waist up, keeping still as ordered, gazing up at the powerful monster above her. She watched as the creature’s head lowered and then groaned as the creature’s agile tongue began to flick at the buds of her breasts.
“Oh…oh, fuck, that’s…”
Instinctively, she reached for her breasts, her muscles just starting to fully obey her. A chitinous limb blocked her arm, and she groaned again.
“Lie still,” the creature repeated, her many eyes radiating amusement. “Have you really so little control?”
Riley wordlessly worked her mouth, only to moan hard when that tongue assaulted her tits anew. She grinned at that, knowing that was as much an answer as any, and then allowed her arm to relax.
“Good,” the creature said. “Very good.”
Riley’s trousers came off next, followed swiftly by her undergarments, leaving her naked and horny and needy on the forest floor. The creature’s head lingered near her pussy, the mere sight causing Riley to breathe hard.
Please purchase this story and support me as an author! Thank you! ~ Jezebel Rose
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