Tag Archive for: jezebel rose

Rhinosceros erotica sex

Lucifer placed his blessing of control upon Tyler, a shy eighteen-year-old high school student nerd on the verge of graduation. It doesn’t take him long to realize the power at his disposal – controlling the hottest girl in class, Jennifer, to sexually ravish his body… amongst other things.

self publishing

As a new author, self-publishing can be a great way to get your work out there. But it’s also important to make sure that you’re doing it in a way that will help you reach your audience and sell your books.

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Some of the best tips for authors come from other authors who have been successful. Fortunately for you, I’m a successful, self-published author! Here are some of my top tips for becoming a successful, self-published author:

popular romance novels

There are so many different types of romance novels out there for readers to enjoy. But what are some of the most popular ones? Here are a few of our favorites!

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Polyamory, also known as “consensual non-monogamy” or “ethical non-monogamy”, is the practice of having more than one intimate relationship at a time with the full knowledge and consent of all parties involved. The term “polyamory” describes both the philosophy of those who choose to live this way and the specific relationship structures that result from it.Polyamory is not a new concept; it has been practiced throughout history by many cultures around the world. The word itself is derived from the Greek roots “poly” (meaning “many”) and “amor” (meaning “love”).

Erotica is a genre of literature that deals with sexual desire and activity. This can include love stories but often focuses on more explicit descriptions of sexual encounters. Erotica often contains elements of suspense, romance, and/or humor.

Jamie’s innocent hands are tied with rope while her legs are forced apart with spreaders. She doesn’t know why her Daddy would do something like this, especially in the barn. Horrified by Toro, an enormous Bull, Jamie tries to escape her father’s plan to have her raped by the animal.
Tim, her father, joins in, excited watching his barely legal daughter repeatedly orgasm and scream in terror. He might force crying Jamie to suck his dick while Toro stretches her virgin cunt to unimaginable proportions with its thirty-six-inch cock.
Unfortunately for both terrified Jamie and Tim, the absolute unit of a bull will not be controlled during its breeding frenzy. Toro, weighing thousands of pounds and over eight feet tall, is horny and will have his mate one way or another.
If the animal vigorously rapes little Jamie, will she make it out of this alive? Will her father be able to control the animal, or will he regret the decision of ever disciplining his daughter through forced animal sex?

Erotica short story free online ebook

This is one of Jezebel’s first few erotica short stories. Take a step back in time with her, years, and years, back to 2014… Now, have fun reading this free erotica short story!